Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 37: Everyone is a Winner

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

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Greetings steemians how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are having a nice day, and I'm very pleased to welcome you all to this week's accelerator contest week 37 with the theme Everyone is a Winner

I really like the theme of this contest because it is a kind that embodies everyone as being a winner which is indeed a good ideology to possess for an even development.

What Do You Think Of Everyone Being A Winner On STEEMIT?

What I think of everyone being a winner here on steemit is the fact that there's no such thing as discrimination and there's no such thing as country benefits.

Rather everyone on the Steemit platform are equal and strives to carry everyone along and evenly support are being given to everyone equally depending on your hard work and commitment.

Is The Idea Of Everyone Winning On STEEMIT Fair And Exciting To You?

Yes of course the idea of everyone being a winner here on Steemit is very fair and very exciting, because as a steemian mostly a newbie have such idea in mind serves as a motivation for you because you will have the conciousness that if I work hard here I will definitely be recognized not until I am someone or curators friend.

So the idea of everyone being a winner here on Steemit is very much fair and exciting because it gives everyone the conciousness of equality and recognition.

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How Does The Concept Of Everyone Being A Winner On STEEMIT Affect User Motivation?

The aspect of everyone being a winner 🏆 here on Steemit just like I'd mention earlier really motivate we the steemians and I remember when I started and I saw how various steemians were getting huge support, the only thing that motivated me back then was this same concept which was that indeed I am a winner and if I work hard enough I will definitely be like them.

So indeed this concept really motivate us so much that unlike in the real world were racism is the order of the and various form of discrimination everywhere.

Any Challenges With Everyone Being A Winner On STEEMIT?

There's absolutely no challenges on everyone being a winner here on Steemit infact why would they be a challenge meanwhile the idea is a win win manner in a sense that the curators earn curation rewards by supporting others.

Also others earn on authors reward for quality content why the Steemit team on the other hand earn greatly on the steem Blockchain which is being maintained according to we steemians contributions and hard work so it is a win win process and definitely there's no challenges involved.

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What Content Would You Create On STEEMIT To Be A Winner?

As far as the Steemit platform is concerned there's no special kind of post that should be published in other to become a winner as a person can definitely become a winner with any post be it dairy post, contest post, engagement challenge, normal exploration post etc.

Which ever it is it doesn't matter but the only thing that matters is that as long as you follow the simple rules which are no plagiarism, use copyright free pictures and proper citations with the few things you can definitely become a winner here on steemit

This will be the end oglf my entry and I will like to invite some of my friends @bela90, @rakiya, @felix12 to also participate in this amazing contest

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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