Contest| "Love and Money!"

in Steem4Nigerialast month

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Hello steemians how are you all doing today? Thanks for stopping by my blog, today I will be participating in a contest organised by @ninapenda which is title love and money

It is true that in our today's world true love without money is very hard to fine as about 90% of girls are only after what you are about to offer in exchange for love.

Have you ever been served a breakfast, I mean (heartbreak)

My answer to this question is yes, I have once been served breakfast but that was some years back though I was young and new to the system but mine was so embarrassing.

It all went down when I was still in school my first girlfriend her name was Esther we had a good thing going till one day she said that I wasn't up to the standard that I don't even have a phone

So as a result of that infront of all her female friends she broke up with me and that was the first time I encountered what we called embarrassment

But that doesn't mean that since then I wasn't in any other relationship but we never broke up but the only challenge was distance, like Mary she is now in port and we haven't breakup but we just all of a sudden stop talking.

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Does genuine love without money exist? Explain

Genuine love without money definitely exist but it is very rare and hard to find let me explain, now as we speak I have a lot of female friends (normal friends) and all they like saying about guys is that they are in only for the money that life is too hard

And if you want to measure in the range of 100% globally only 5% of girls are in for true love while the rest are only in for what comes out from your pocket

If you were given the opportunity to choose between money and love, which would you prefer? State your reasons

If I were to choose between love and money as a guy I would choose money and please no judgement because if you are a Nigerian you will definitely understand why.

The reason why I'd choose money is because out of the 5% of girls globally that are in for true love none of them are from Nigeria

So coming from such a nation were all the girls can do anything for money what is the point even going for love, (use your head this is Nigeria).

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It is true that money answers to all things, in your own understanding, can money answer to love?

Yes absolutely money answers to love, money can buy anything on earth, money cam change a person and can definitely buy love, money can turn a so call high class babe to a house wife.

If you notice most homes when a humble and faithful wife starts insulting her husband just know that either her husband is broke or has lost his job

So therefore when there is no money there is certainly no love though at first they may pretend as it is OK but lastly they will reveal themselves

This will be the end of my entry and I will like to invite


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