Fear or Bravery by @professorlenz || Club5050 || 11-8-22

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

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Fear, Bravery, Happiness, Sadness, Depression. These are the things common in the world today. There are lots of views on these things. This is my own view

Fear And Bravery

The truth is the voice of fear will always be present in situations where there is opportunity to be brave. Even Peter who walked with the savior himself, almost said YES to bravery until the waves of fear began to wave at him and he was no longer sure if Jesus was with him anymore... So he sunk and FEAR won..

You of little faith that's how it works
Bravery is simply an exchange of fear for faith
Bravery cones with peace, Peace that conforms and now not one that backs out, but peace that comes with BRAVERY.

Bravery that can say PEACE BE STILL in the face of insecurities, in the face of opposition and uncertainties of life.

This is bravery, remembering that fear keeps us stuck but grace speaks freedom.
Fear shouts down but Grace sings peace
Fear makes us feel alone but Grace shouts "my name is Emmanuel and I am always with you"
And in the midst of all those fears, BRAVERY shouts and says you're not crippled, you're not fearful, you are not intimidated, you are not weak, you are not nothing.

We live in a world where people feel bad because of the things happening around them. The world is scared of anyone who isn't like them so they classify your thoughts and behaviors as controversial, make you hate yourself for ways that you behave, and call you names.

At times like this, what you need is BRAVERY and not FEAR. Sticks and stones can break your bones but words don't hurt so why are you afraid of being insulted by people? Do what is right and stick to it no matter what.

Message of hope to the depressed

You're not alone in this world, no my bad, you're ALONE
Who do you think will follow you to your grave if you sulk to death? Absolutely no one. Learn to live without caring about others. Overcome your fears, learn to smile, enjoy life to the fullest. Life is hard, that's true but death isn't any easier.

We live, because we want to live.
We die because we don't have a choice.



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