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RE: The Truth Behind Steemit - Invest & Win! (rich only)

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

In 2017, I bumped into ab article written by a Spanish speaking boy (don't know if from Spain or Latin America, as Spanish language is shared into 27 countries, unless I catch the right variant if it appears in the text). He was complaining cause he was earning crumbs. I understood him, as a quality text costs hours, days, weeks of hard job. And during that time, cryptocurrencies still made no sense in my country, as there was no opportunity to exchange them to national currency. So I had joined a platform that paid euros (now that platform is over, as it worsened in 2020 and scammed various users, in any way I was lucky enough to get a discreet payment). In 2022 I joined steemit thanks to an Italian friend I knew in The Italian community is strong enough to discreetly reward, so it's my priority to post there, as I need that money and I have many close friends there. Since a while, I'm in a Latin American community too, as Spanish is my third language, my qualification language and I'm fluent. What are those platforms paying euros? Do they pay to Paypal?



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @josepha

Thank you Team 5 - @josepha for upvoting a great comment 👍

Thank you very much!

One of the Dutch ones pays euros and transfers to the bankaccount. It's a click on the buttin and ready.

You know already about read cash, noise never worked for me.

We had more platforms and for sure there are way more. I agree it takes a lot of time to write and the rewarding has more to do with the size of your wallet than good content. Daily I read at least 100 posts and those with the hughest rewards are rarely goos. A few lines, one picture only, strange tables, 'contests' quickly posted with bad grammar and so on.

Today I received another reprimand because I set a part of my earnings to @ibesso and my own community (I want to grow it to upvote stories only). I wrote twice a ling comment/answer back but again no answer on the "advice" to not give others a part of my earnings. Not that they are skyhigh before I started to follow the 1001 rules the minimum of each post was around if not above 1$ . So I lost support since that moment.
I did not receive an answer why and noticed the comments are... deleted including mine. 🤔
It will always remain a mystery why I was told not to share. For so far the rewarding of a ghostwriter. 🥺

I must say so far the italian community feels relaxed. It's good to join the no nonsense once in a while even though I am not Italian (most likely one of the last Dutch persons left, it feels like real life. No where home).

Stick to where it feels good for you. I hope you'll join the eerie parents contest dove11 hosts instead of me at the Dream Steem place. Perhaps you can make something up and make me laugh or combine it with a freewrite (just use the tag).

Stay safe and happy writing, thanks fir stopping by.

P.s. I believe I no longer receive notifications.
Pps. Paypal I am not sure can be I never use it.


Don't worry, the Italian community (and the Venezuelan communities too) is very welcoming, no mind your nationality. The only desirable thing when posting, is to translate in Italian (or Spanish, in the case of the Latin communities). You can use Deepl Translator free version, that's a bit better than Google translator. I'm sorry for your sad experience elsewhere...

I already had words with a moderator / host of a contest at Venez who hates me for some reason. I asked her why she always attacks me but till today no answer. Most likely it has to do with my article about adoption. I think one should not ask for an opinion if the opiniin should be the same/expected one. So I no longer feel home there and will only join the art contest.

I keep in mind to translate. Deepl let only translate me 1500 words or less once a day unless I oay. I couldn't find much difference in the transkatiins. Both don't seem to be able to tell the difference between male and female, he and she.

What I can't understand I skip or try Steempro Mobile. The app is good but extremely slow on my phone.

It also cannot translate the Italy Magazine. Perhaps too much text, the layout or my slow wifi?

For longer translations and various texts in the same day, you need to sign up with your mail (maybe with your Google account too). I use Deepl to speed up my job (I'm used to then correct all the translator's flaws, as I'm committed to publish perfect texts, at least in the three languages I'm fluent and I try to do the same with English, even if I don't own the same level of Spanish, Portugueses and Italian) and having signed up, I can copy and paste as many texts as I want. You can try to sign up to solve.

Thank you for letting me know. I will figure it out. It would be a great help. I am trying to generate a picture for italygame right now. It's very depressing what I see. :(

Try with Freepik for the picture. I found it's the best for free. Only remember free users can generate only 20 pictures each 24h.

I believe I tried it once but I what was shown was something random. I'll try it again. Thanks for letting me know. 👍

This made me remember when you made myself and someone else beneficiaries to a post then, and they were against it. In my head I was like but that is hers she can choose to do whatever she wants why the babying around attitude, I wanted to comment but when I saw that you already had a full page written like a petition, I smiled and said to myself she is enough for them. Funny thing I didn't really understand how it worked back then, it took me few weeks when I was writing an Achievement to actually see that I got Steems from a post I didn't write, to be honest it made me feel good, knowing people still cared about others despite how they want us to be. Bless you @wakeupkitty

Yes, it remembered me too of that time. Next it was about worldsmile and again about rewarding someone else and next ibesso and my own community. Why should I write more posts than I already do? Why announce everything it spoils my texts. It's good to know you would have grabbed your pen to reply if I hadn't wrote my epistel. 😉

Even I am scammed isn't it up to me who I give my earnings to? I am not robbing a bank and no one robbed me or asked for it. So far a spontaneity.

I wonder if I am the only one, I doubt it since patjewell received a 'reprimand' as well because of upvoting too many people.

The only way to get filthy rich is by not helping others I assume?


That's crazy, whatever one chooses to do with what is theirs should be their business and if the platform suspect scam then ask simple reaffirming questions to be sure the user is alright

I agree. Speak out, say those names. If it's scam the scammer is warned.

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