Shaping The Next Generation

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago

Life is full of ups and downs, and it so sad that at a very young age I have experience the thick and thin of life which have made me to realise how important life is to everyone, relationships is a very integral aspect of our life and the way we build them will determine if we will be happy or not.

Who are the important people in your life who have helped shape you? How have they influenced your growth?


The most important people in my life are my parents, especially my mother, who has sacrificed a lot for my happiness. My father is a soldier, and he hardly stays at home, so I got used to my mother because she is also with me.
My mum has taught me many things in life, how to overcome difficulties, challenges, and also how to be a good influence on society.

My elder sister is also a source of inspiration and have played a huge role for me to be where I am today, whenever she sees me doing the wrong thing she will immediately caution me and sometimes report the issue to my our mother and I will be severely punished, then I taught they dislike me but as times goes on I found out that they wanted the best for me.


My friend @bonaventure24 who introduced me to this noble platform have also helped in shaping my life ever since we became friends I have learned a lot from him and for him to introduce me to this group of wonderful people called steeminans is enough for him to shape my life, ever since I joined this platform I have started learning new things and he us always around to put me through in anything that I don't understand, all I wil say is thanks to him and may God continue to bless him for me because he have impacted my life in a very positive way.

All the above people have influenced my growth in life ina very positive, because I now see things in black and white instead if colour, I have grwon to realise about life and also my life have been better with them.
Each time I am with them, I am also happy because they mean a lot to me.

How does your community support families and children? Can you share any examples


I reside in a military base and our commanding officer ones in a while organises a get together between him and all the parents in our area and they will have a heart to heart conversation so he can hear about the challenges of each family and see how he can support them.

Children are gifts from God, so we should always take good care of them. Our commanding officer always make sure that children are always happy and that he supports them to pat their school fees.
Food stuff and money have been shared to every family once a month so as to support them due to the hardship we all are experiencing.

How can the Steemit community be like a village in raising a child? How can they support, guide, and share knowledge to help individuals grow?

Steemit platforms have brought many people together both home and abroad. In my few stay in this platform, I have met new friends, and they welcomed me well.
This is a platform that educates people, and if a child is in this platform, then it will be a bonus point for him because he will learn a lot of things.

Why is it important for children to have positive role models outside their family? How can these role models help them grow?


It's very important oh, because you they are going to influence your life in a positive way.
Their way of life will be different and when you saty for long without seeing them you will be eager to see them because they will make you happy and excited.
They are people that we wish to always emulate and having a good role model outside our family is very good, I myself I have a role model and she has helped me to be a better person and also a good example to people in my community.

Imagine a world where everyone embraced the idea of "it takes a village to raise a child." How would this impact children and society?


Nowadays, people preferred to grow in the city than in the village oh, but if everyone wants to raise a child in a village then it will be a good idea because they will be able to speak their language fluently and also know more about the culture and traditions of their village which will help them anywhere they go.

Staying in a village you will be hardworking and you will not depend on people.
Children who grew up in the village always have good characters and are responsible.

 3 months ago 

@perpetual. Your heartfelt reflection beautifully illustrates the pivotal role family, friends, and community play in shaping individuals. It's inspiring to see how the support network provided by loved ones and the military base community contributes to personal growth and well-being. Indeed, fostering positive role models outside the family unit enriches children's lives and strengthens society's fabric. Nice post..thumbs up.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for adding value to my blog

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