Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W2- "Self Motivation"

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)

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"Pick up that lip!" I can hear my mom’s voice so clearly when I hear or read about self-motivation. She always told us that we were our worst enemy and that we had to think beyond boundaries. We cannot get sour when things don’t go our way.

What I think causes people to lose their motivation in life

Life is not easy. Best of all, it doesn’t come with a manual on "How to Live Your Life in 101 Steps." It comes with trial and error, and you write your own manual as you walk your path.

I know that by now we’ve all read about the basic things that go wrong in people’s lives. Those things that cause them to lose their "umph" or motivation in life, like finance, unemployment, etc.
Therefore, I want to touch on points that are often not so clearly visible and are also often missed.

People lost their purpose in life

I’ve seen many people in my life who lost their purpose in life, which resulted in them no longer being positive. Most of the time, this happens when they no longer have clear goals and aspirations.

This can easily be because of their inability to make meaningful decisions or even because of their fear of failure, rejection, or overthinking things.
People want to be acknowledged, and they want to be praised. The negative influence of family and friends can cause them to no longer care about their purpose in life. Pressure, my friends, is a terrible thing and it can cause the wisest of men to go astray.

They are no longer open to changes

Life is unbelievably complicated and dynamic, and things will always change. I can remember how I felt when I was introduced to Excel. There was no way that I was going to master spreadsheets, charting, macros, pivot tables, array formulas, and the list goes on. Yet I had to adapt and learn.

Being ready and open to handling changes is essential to coping with life and staying motivated. Although certain changes can knock you off your feet, like the world of crypto currency for me, we cannot allow changes to get the better of us.

People no longer look at high powers for assistance

The wisest quotes are to be found in the book of Proverbs. I gladly share one of my favorite verses with you:
(NIV Proverbs 3:5–6) Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not rely on your own understanding; submit to him in all your endeavors, and he will make the way of your feet straight.

God is the superior authority in any situation since He is in control of everything and everyone on the planet. We will be delighted if we put our confidence in Him because He will offer us the calm and guidance we so desperately need!

Have I been discouraged or depressed before? How do I handle it?

The answer is YES! Plenty of times. I doubt very much if there is one person on this earth who has never been discouraged or depressed.
Let’s take COVID-19 as an example. It was a time when billions all over the globe were either discouraged or depressed, if not both.

Before I carry on, I think it is important that we look at the meaning of these two words.

Discouraged: When you have lost that drive, that enthusiasm.
Depressed: When are in a state or a condition of discontent or hopelessness.

The first step I normally take is to acknowledge that I am discouraged or depressed. It might sound silly but if I acknowledge something it lifts the weight off my shoulders when I can say, "Hi, I am Pat. I am not an alcoholic, but I am discouraged and depressed."

The second step is to figure out what I need to do. What are those small steps I need to take in my healing process? So often it is these small steps like going for regular walks, listening to music, and yes, having those "me times" that turn me positive again.

The third step is to learn. I have to not only learn from my mistakes and what put me in this state, but I also have to learn what I can do to overcome these feelings of discouragement or depression. I need to know what I can do for myself.

The fourth step is self-talk. As the saying goes, you have to heal yourself from the inside out. I have to be in control again. I have to be positive and get back to my goals, or even change them if I have to.

The fifth step is to reward myself. Getting yourself on the right track takes a lot of work therefore it is important for me to reward myself. Going for a haircut can do wonders for me. By rewarding myself I recognize the efforts I’ve put in and the successes I've achieved.

Do I think self-motivation is a good practice? Why?

I attended a seminar about positive thinking that was held by Myles Monroe, who was a Bahamian evangelist when he was visiting South Africa. He said there are three questions we need to ask ourselves.

  1. Can you do it? In other words, do we have the needed training?
  2. Do you believe that it will work? Do we have the education to make it happen?
  3. Will it be worth it? What motivates us to do it?

Well, you can have the needed training, the know-how, and the education, but if you don’t have the motivation to do it, you should not even attempt it.

Self-motivation starts every morning when you open your eyes.
You have to motivate yourself to get out of bed, to eat, to get the family ready, to go to work, and to complete your day.

We are accountable for our own actions. We cannot expect others to keep us motivated therefore, my answer is YES!

In fact, it should not be good practice; it should be a good habit.

What keeps me motivated on Steemit

The people!

If I had to be involved in Steemit for the money I would have stopped long ago. It is not my bread and butter, like it is for so many other Steemians. I am priviledged that I have lived my life and had my own businesses and properties. Yes, hubby and I had our fair share of unluck, but looking back, I am happier now than I was when I was living in a five-story house.
Steemians want recognition, acknowledgement, feedback, assistance, a shoulder to cry on, and most importantly, they want a friend.

That is what motivates me.

Okay, I must admit. If I capture a dolphin while I am on my Steemit journey, it is epic!

I can assure you that this post is my own!

I invite: @bela90 @ynglu22 @radleking

CC: @ruthjoe @fadlymatch @okere-blessing @saintkelvin17 @uzma4882 @shahidalinazt @elrazi @elrazi
Account summary: Club100 Transfer to vesting: 2,034.773 STEEM Normal transfer: 41 STEEM (Contest prizes and charity)
 last year 

You know what when I read about motivation, the word self-motivation comes to my mind and I ask myself, "Have you enough motivation to tell others about self-motivation?" That's true, as a marketing head this was part of my duty to tell young executives about what could be the motivational factors that will save them from disappointment in case their deal did not materialize.

YOu have certain points like discouragement and disappointment which are nothing but a mental state and we can stay away from them with a little help of a positive mindset. And that's true, if it was for the sake of money, I wouldn't be here on this website. I wish you success in this contest.

 last year 

Thank you! I appreciate the visit, the support, and the encouragement. This is what I was referring to when I mentioned Steemit and people.
With a bit of purpose, acceptance of change, higher powers, and the support of others, self-motivation will conquer.

We all know that self-motivation can make us move mountains.

How do I love this post over and over again. Thank you for penning down your thought on this. You did a beautiful work.

Awh! Thank you! 🍭
You've warmed my heart!

 last year 

The time of the global Covid pandemic was a trigger for many people, those who were not depressed later began to feel depression, in other cases many families felt devastated, this was very terrible and left a lot of demotivation and sadness as a consequence, among other things.

It's a pleasure to have read your post @patjewell friend.

 last year 

It is for me to say thank you for the visit and the engagement. 🎕

Unfortunately, COVID-19 was not the last. We will see more pandemics in the years to come. I just hope that it is not soon. As you have stated, COVID-19 left its mark on lots of families all over the globe.

 last year 

I also think that Covid is still present, and we must try to stay healthy with our families.

See you friend..!

 last year 

Wow! This is massive.
A self motivation for me on its own..
You have been of great help to me on this platform, motivating me up and down hahaha! You have been an amazing couch to learn from all day long.

I cherish everytime spent reading your publication or getting answers from you.

I know myles Monroe too and I can say he is really a motivational speaker!

Best wishes ma..

 last year 

Awh! All that is left is for me to thank you, not only for the visit but also for the kind words. 🎕
How awesome that you know Myles Monroe! He was just such an incredible man. I absolutely loved reading his book. It is such a pity that such a great man must pass away in such a tragic way.
Another thing I can remember so clearly from him was when he told us that the richest place on earth is the graveyard.

 last year 

Cheers 🥂


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @enamul17

 last year 

Un excelente analisis sobre la motivación y los factores que te impiden ser una persona motivada, de principio a fin la escritura te va llenando de motivación eres una excelente couch de solo leer tu post me doy cuenta de eso
Me gustó mucho los cinco puntos en los que te enfocas para cuando estemos de ánimo caído y poder lidiar con eso me encantó leer tu publicación es muy inspiradora

 last year 

Awh! Thank you for the visit, the engagement, and then these great words! I appreciate it so much.
It makes my toes curl when I read that I motivated you. Whoop whoop!
A little bit of motivation can indeed go a long way.
As for a bit of self-motivation, it can go a llooonnnggg way!

I wish you a beautiful day! 🎕


Holaa sra @patjewell 🤩que bonita participacion si con la autoestima nos damos amor y nos queremos nosotros mismos con la sutomotivacion nos damos animos para seguir cuando nos desmotivamos. Suerte en su bonito reto❤️

 last year 

Thank you so much for your kind words!
If we don't look after ourselves, even when it comes to motivation, nobody else will. (•ิ‿•ิ)
I appreciate your engagement with my post. 🎕

 last year 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Motivar y motivarnos es una excelente manera de cultivar seguridad y confianza ya que, cuando ejercemos la motivación automáticamente activamos la acción de creer en las capacidades que todos tenemos porque, si hay algo que jamás podemos poner en duda es que, todos estamos capacitados para brillar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 last year 

These are such wise words. Doubt... if we don't self-motivate, we open the door for doubt to enter. It is only by believing in ourselves that we can achieve, as you have rightfully said, in reaching our goals.
Thank you for the visit, the engagement, the good wish, AND the big hug! 🎕

 last year 

Self-motivation is what keeps me going Even as no one believes in me i believe in myself. The three questions asked by Myles Monroe and you quoted is a thing to think about. Very deep thought.

1.Can you do it? In other words, do we have the needed training?
2.Do you believe that it will work? Do we have the education to make it happen?
3.Will it be worth it? What motivates us to do it?

Thanks for invitation and I enjoyed reading your article on self-motivation. One love 💙🌹✌️

 last year 

Thank you for the visit.
It is scary questions if you think about it. Questions not often asked by us, but questions that are of the utmost importance in our lives.
It is wonderful that you believe in yourself. I can! I believe! It will be worth it!
Best wishes!

 last year 

Thanks ma'am!

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