Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 49 : Personality Types

in Steem4Nigeria7 days ago (edited)

Hello, all the wonderful steemians from different part of the world. Warmest regards to you all.

Thank you for having me in this community, I am @owulama and I will be participating in this contest titled: "Personality Types"

I would like to say thank you to @steem4nigeria for hosting the contest. One love keep us together🤗🤗



Humans were created and designed differently. We all have our own different and unique personalities. We are not made up of the same personalities, though there are times that people have similar personalities but then everyone is unique in his/ her own way.

Personality: can be simply seen as the combination of a persons behavior, lifestyle and characteristics, this characteristics includes emotional patterns, values, abilities, interest and traits. All this are what distinguish a person from another, and it is either inherited or acquired.

Who is an introvert, extrovert and Ambivert?

An Introvert:
is a person who is reserved, thoughtful, prefers small gatherings to large gatherings, quiet, and love spending time alone because it helps them recharge better emotionally. An introvert prefers keeping true and meaningful relationships with just few friends and family, and this makes them value relationships and an introvert do not make new friends easily. And lastly an introvert is usually very sensitive to external stimuli such as noise etc.

An extrovert:
Is a person who loves talking, is energetic, enjoy being surrounded by people and loves social life. An extrovert usually have alot of friends and enjoys meeting and making new friends.
An extrovert is a risk taker in nature and are innovators, this qualities make them become good entrepreneurs and leaders.
An extrovert is also that person who loves going to social gatherings because of the entertainment and excitement that comes with it.

An Ambivert:
Is a person who falls in between the introvert and extrovert personality. They have both introvert and extrovert qualities and can adapt to new environment and situations very easily.
An Ambivert enjoys spending time alone and also enjoying being surrounded by friends and family depending on their mood and goals. Ambivert are flexible in nature and are also good listeners and they communicates very well too.

Which personality type from the above do you belong? Mention 5 characteristics of someone that belongs to your personality type


I belong to the Ambivert personality because I possesses both qualities, there are times I enjoy spending time alone and other times I will prefer spending time with people around, either family or friends depending on my mood. And I also adapt easily to new environment, I am a good listener and communicator as well.

Characteristics of someone who belongs to my personality type (Ambivert) are;

  1. Good both in teamwork and working independently.

  2. Adapt easily to new situations and environment.

  3. Having special ability in terms of behavior regulation.

  4. Enjoy spending time both alone and with people around.

  5. Very good in speaking and listening, making them good communicators.

Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert by nature or it's a learned personality?

I am an Ambivert by nature. I grew up seeing, knowing and found myself possessing both the introvert and extrovert qualities making me an Ambivert. There are times that I talks much and some other time I talk less, their times also I enjoy my space i.e being alone and there are times I also enjoy being surrounded by people depending on the situation, my mood and goals. And this is nature, I did not learnt it from someone.

What life experiences do you have being an introvert, extrovert or ambivert ?

They life experiences I have so far being an Ambivert is the fact that I have been able to adapt easily to new situations, any where I find myself I don't find it hard to associate or make new friends. I have alot of friends because of my kind of personality.

Another experience is being good in both speaking and listening I have been able to sort alot of differences between people.I have been able to keep and develop deep bonds with friends and family because of my personality type (Ambivert).

Thank you all for stopping by...🥰

My invites

Kind regards @owulama


Your lifestyle and personal is adorable. We should be able to adapt to any place we find ourselves why making decisions.

 4 days ago 

Thank you for stopping by 🙏🙏

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