In the Spirit of Easter

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago



Hello steemians,

Hope we all are good, and I hope also that our Easter celebration was awesome and amazing...

I am @owulama and I will be taking part in this contest titled "In the spirit of Easter"

Thank you for constantly reading through my posts, for the replies and vote I really appreciate.

One love keep us together!!



What does Easter mean to you personally? Share your thoughts and feelings about this special holiday.

Easter means a whole lots to me.
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of the death of Jesus Christ by crucification.

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ also signifies the triumphant victory of Jesus Christ over death and the grave, letting us know His power to conquer sin and offer eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Easter also signifies the fulfillment of the prophesies in the old testament.
This event serves as a reminder of our victory over sin and a source of daily hope.

Easter also means a time to reflect on the meaning of life and the power of love and forgiveness.

During Easter celebration I am always reminded that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope in the power of resurrection and new beginnings in ones life.
To me Easter also means the joyous celebration after the Lenten season of prayers and fasting.

I am also reminded of how Christ came and died for us, despite the facts that we were still sinners and he was holy, he gave up his life for us for the sake of the love he has for us.
It also means the massive love and compassion that Christ have for mankind.

It's one of the Christians festival or holidays that one need to think very deep and reflect on how to show love and compassion to people around.

1 Corinthians 15:13-15, John 11:25-26



How does your community celebrate Easter? Are there any unique traditions or events that you look forward to?

Interesting.... talking about how my community celebrate Easter? Yes there are a lot of traditions and events that I look forward to during the Easter celebration in my community.

Virtually almost every house in my community ensures that the cook white rice that day, even if there's no meat the use fish instead of that.

My community celebrate Easter just exactly the way Christmas is been celebrated, it's a period where every family cook special delicacies.

It will also interest you to know that there are also some parents who sew new cloths for their children during this period of Easter celebration.

Yes and there are also unique traditions or events that I look forward to!

In my community there's this place call Akpata market, it is a place whereby the Eggon people of nasarawa state go there to sing their cultural songs and dance to the music.

It's so entertaining, amazing, full of fun and excitement you can never be bored around that place where the traditional dance is going on.

I so much love this particular unique traditions or events because that's my own tribe, na we get this particular events😁😁.

There are people even outside the community that comes during the Easter celebration just to come watch and see how the Eggon culture dance and sing their local language. It's usually so mind blowing as well

Easter is often associated with new beginnings. What new goals or aspirations do you have for yourself or your family this Easter season?

Okay... I have a lot of goals and aspirations for myself and my family as well.

My new goals and aspirations are to extend love to alot of people out there who are in need of love and compassion.

Christ showed us love even while we were still sinners, so my goal and aspirations is to immulate from him, that's I should be able to show genuine and true love to people around me.

Another of my goals and aspirations is to live a holy, and a righteous life, trying to abstain from every form of unholiness or unrighteousness. This period signifies the forgiveness of our sins and hope for eternal life for those who believe in God.

So to live without sin is actually my goal and aspirations during this Easter period and even beyond. Though it might seems not to be easy, but God has won the battle for us at the cross.

He says, everything that's humanly impossible is possible with God, my ultimate goal is to live above sin through the help of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What are some fun activities or games that you think would bring your family closer during Easter?

Easter is a time for family and togetherness, and each easter celebration brings a new opportunity to make memorable and long lasting memories within the family.

So of the activities and games I think will bring the family together or closer during tEaster celebration are:

Wearing of match outfit between the parents and all the child of the family, going to hand out and take pictures as a family with match outfit will bring so much joy and happiness to the family.

Normally family that are happy and joyful stays more closer during the Easter celebration and even beyond just the celebration.

Another activity is to Read Easter-Themed Books together as a family. After reading the Easter themed books together, questions should be drawn to everyone in the family, so long as you're present in the reading, even the parents are not excluded from answering questions.

When questions are been asked and everyone give his own contribution about what they understand, it will bring so much excitement to the family and they will equally learn as well. This is another activity that I think my family can use to stay more closer during this period.

Reading books is always a great way to get your kids in the spirit of the holiday.

One of the games I think will be very good for my family is the Egg decorating, egg decorating is si special and awesome for family tradition and a great way to add to your easter decor.



So before you start the eggs decorating for the family, never forget to boil the egg to be hard, so they don't shatter all over the place at the course of playing the fun game with your family.

You can equally decide to buy an egg decorating kit which everything you need will be included there, or if you're looking for a cheaper option, you can try mixing vinegar and food coloring it will also be amazing too. And will also help in bringing the family together or closer during this Easter period.

Share your favourite Easter memory from your community. What made it so special and memorable?

My favorite Easter memory from my community is the traditional dance that usually happens at the Akpata market in my community.

I love the traditional dance so much that it's part of my memories and can hardly be forgotten.

What makes it so special and memorable is, you get to meet people whom you haven't seen for long, you get to interact specially with few persons in the community and even those who comes from outside the community as well during the traditional dance.

I got to make new friends, there are a lot of people in my community and even outside my community that I haven't been friends with, but during the traditional dance we interacted so deep and even got so attached that we're now friends.

That's is what made it so special and memorable!!

Thank you for reading through my post. Stay Blessed....

I will love to invite my friends @josepha @shiftitamanna @neyistar23 and
@ruthjoe to join this awesome contest.

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