Contest| "Love and Money!"

in Steem4Nigerialast month

Hello everyone,
It's a pleasure on my path to share with you all my entries in this week's contest which is titled "Love and Money!" which was organized by @ninapenda. It is an interesting contest and I would love to drop my entry ASAP.


Before we go ahead I would like to invite @echuku, @entity01, and @yakspeace to join this contest in this community today and share their participation as well, I do hope to see and read your entries as well.

🔻Have you ever been served a breakfast, I mean (heartbreak) or do you know anyone who has had a heartbreak. Share with us.

Haha 😂, the question just reminded me of some of the relationship I have been through over the past few years. If you have been in a relationship and you haven't been heart broken then I guess you are a very lucky person.

I had this experience like 3 times now and I'm just tired of relationship because it seems relationship is not really for me. The worst of all the heart breaks I had is they one I will discuss with you all below.

The last relationship I entered made me believe that love is not for me because I saw hell in the relationship. There was this lady I was busy dating and hoping that the future will be bright for us and that the relationship may lead to marriage.

I never knew that she has another person who she loves. Anytime I give her money or buy any unisex wears for her she takes it and give to the other guy. She will always tell me that her brother saw the cloth and he liked it so she gave it to him.

This continued for almost a year before I discovered that the person she has been referring to as her brother is her lover and when I confronted her she told me clear to my face that she is tired and she doesn't want to continue.

🔻Does genuine love without money exist? Explain

I think it does exist but maybe I haven't been lucky to find anyone yet. They guy she is dating doesn't support her financially they way I do but she is with him because I guess she love him and not minding what he has.


I on the other hand loved her and I was willing to do anything to make her happy. I loved her genuinely but I guess she was with me because of the money I had and when her secret came open she decided to go for love.

So based on the incident that happened I can say yes genuine love exist but it's always difficult to see the two parties actively involved in the love story together.

🔻If you were given the opportunity to choose between money and love, which would you prefer? State your reasons

At this stage of my life I will prefer money to love. I don't even want to love again because all the time I gave my heart for love what I got was serious heart break. So for that reason, I would go for money.


If relationship and love won't make me happy always due to many heart break then I guess money won't break my heart so I will always go for the money instead of love.

Money is never an enemy to anyone so for that reason, I will go for money because it has proven to be best of friends when you have it you will always feel satisfied and there will be nothing to think about at any point and time.

🔻It is true that money answers to all things, in your own understanding, can money answer to love?

Yes, money answers to all things including love. Though I had an experience where a lady left me but I want to guess it was because the money wasn't sufficient enough. If we get a more sufficient money then we can go ahead to control even love at any level.

So in my opinion money answer everything. Everyone needs money and love always becomes sweet when there is money. In our today's world no matter how beautiful a relationship looks if there is no money at some point issues will raise.

So I don't think people who don't have money has the right to enter love because, love doesn't put food on the table and only those who eat to their satisfaction will enjoy love in any relationship.


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