My plans for 2024 1st Quarter

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago



Has 2023 been good or bad to you? Explain

2023 has been mostly good for me. One of the major good things for me in 2023 is that I have finished medical school. It is a year I will never forget in a hurry. After years of intense studying, difficulties, stress, exhausting exams, I eventually finished school. I can't describe how happy and most of all, relieved I felt. It felt so good to have achieved something really amazing. I could see how proud my parents were. This year, I passed some crucial professional exams in my course of study. I have to say, those exams made me nervous.

This year, I also met some incredible people, made some amazing friends. I made friends that were really there for me at crucial moments in my life. It's always satisfying to have friends who have your back all the time. I can say that some of my friends became like family.

I went out more this year. I had more fun than I usually have. I explored more places. When the year started, it was part of my resolution to hang out more, and I'm glad I did.

List at least 3 things you would love to accomplish within the 1st quarter of 2024



Financial freedom/independence

In the first quarter of 2024, I intend to become totally financially independent and free. This entails being able to totally take care of my financial needs and not depending on someone else. I want to earn enough money to live comfortably by the first quarter of next year. I intend to do this by getting a good paying job, preferably remote, as well as developing a good saving habit.

Eliminating the habit of procrastination

When 2023 started, I resolved to reduce procrastination in my life. I fought hard to reduce the habit to a minimum. However, in the first quarter of 2024, I want to completely eliminate the habit or bring it to the very minimum.

Becoming a community moderator and curator on steemit

This is a really important goal of mine for the first quarter of 2024. It is part of my drive to further my growth on steemit. I have been developing myself and working as hard as I can to be able to ready for such tasks. I believe that this way, I will contribute my own quota to making steemit a better platform.

Do they have any financial involvements? If yes, how do you intend to raise funds?

For now, my goals don't have much financial involvement. However, I think that as time goes on, I will have more goals that need more financial involvement. In that case, I intend to raise the funds by taking more jobs, saving more, and soliciting funds from family.

How will you feel if you are able to accomplish your budget at the end of the quarter?



If I am able to accomplish my budget at the end of the quarter, I would be very elated. It is such a good feeling when you plan something, and you eventually achieve it. I would feel proud of myself and I will be motivated to achieve even more. I know there will be challenges on the way, but I intend to achieve my goals no matter what it will take.


2023 has been an interesting year. I expect 2024 to be better. We are at that time of the year when we plan towards the next year. I hope that we eventually achieve all our goals.

I am inviting @smartlouis, @davehanny and @rossnenye to participate in this contest.

Cc @bossj23

 9 months ago 

You surely have good plans for next year I must say. Seeking to achieve financial independence is every man's dream and it's good to know you have ways of attaining that goal. It's also interesting to know you 2023:has been a good year to you. Wishing you best of luck in this contest and try ensuring paragraphing

 9 months ago 

Congrats on finishing and bargaining a certificate in school,it surely is one thing you won’t forget in many many years to come,fully gaining independence and becoming a full pledge doctor.
Best of luck on the contest

 9 months ago 

It's indeed a great achievement to finish your education to this level. I hope your desire to be financially stable will come to pass. I wish you all the best in this contest.


You had spoken too well. I like your vision of eliminating procrastination because its a thief of time.

I had such challenge too but the only remedy is for you to set daily goals and make sure you accomplish them. By so doing, you can accomplish the big goals. Thanks and successful all the way.

You can find my post and also drop your comment.

Uaaah! Congrats on passing the exam! You will surely find a good job. I envy you a little successful year unlike mine😀 Superintendent on the platform? Best of luck to you! You are young, ambitious and you will surely achieve your goal. I wish you a successful weekend! Greetings from Poland👊

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