My Neighborhood Watch #18 - Reporting Events Around us

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago

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Hello everyone. It's another day to my neighborhood watch report and I'm glad to do so.

Increasing number of mentally ill persons on the streets



I've have noticed that there is an increasing amount of persons who are mentally ill, roaming the streets. This has become a cause for concern. I took a stroll to about 5 streets and also along the road. I came across several individuals who were mentally ill. They were sleeping on the streets with no shelter.

One of the things I suspect would be a cause of the increasing number of mental I'll persons is the use of hard drugs. Some of the persons I saw were young people and I saw them smoking something, even in their state. It is indeed a sad thing to see. These individuals were looking rough and unkempt. They were either barely dressed, or on torn clothes. One could see them mostly in refuse dumps searching for things.

Reduced use of generators



I notice that people barely put on their generators these days. Before, there would be generator sounds coming from several places every hour. At night, if there is no power, so many persons would turn on their generator, late into the night, and for some, to the next day.

This time, it is totally different. In the day time, I noticed that only one or two house hold put on their generators in my neighborhood. Recently, the night are usually dark. People don't turn on their generators, hence no light to brighten the environment except power comes back on. I have thought about it and I think it is as a results of the astronomical increase in the price of petrol.

Petrol is so expensive that people rarely buy at the rate they used to. Even when they buy, they try to minimize how much they use it. Most people are just managing. The people mostly affected are those who need power to run their business. They have to operate the generators because the power supply is not dependable. As a result, these business owners have no choice but to buy fuel at high prices.

Weather report



It has been raining all day. The weird thing is that we are in the month of October when I expect the rains would stop. On the contrary, the rains still come. When I left my house today for work in the morning, I noticed thay the weather seemed like it was going to rain.

I hurried up and as soon as I got to my work place, the rain started with so much intensity. It kept raining and raining with no end in view. Due to the rain, the roads are wet and messy. People have to walk in muddy areas, thereby denting their outfits.

I can't wait for the rains to stop and give way for the harmattan season which is my favourite season.

That's it for my neighborhood watch report. Thanks for reading.

I am inviting @udyliciouz, @chukwu10 and @dave-hanny to participate.

Cc @xkool24

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