Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 37: Away From Home

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago


Having a place to call a home is a privilege.

What is your definition of "Home"

A home is a place where someone lives permanently. It is a place where we were born and nurtured until we were old. A home is a place where we find rest, peace, joy, and happiness.

Any place where one feels relaxed is home to them. I usually visit people, but I don't get relaxed except when I am at home, where I find refuge and comfort. A home is a safe heaven on earth, a place to live with families and friends, and a place to create memories.


A home is a place where families stay together in love. It is a place where babies and children are prepared for adulthood. Home is where we reside, dwell, and keep all of our belongings. Lastly, a home is where the heart is, because there is no place like home.

Have you been away from home, Where exactly was it?

Yes, several times. The first time I was away from home was in my teenage years, when I was to go on my first holiday. My parents never allowed me to leave the house to visit any family members, but for this one, they agreed that I go.

My uncle came to my home to pick me up at my destination. That day was not a happy one for me. I felt my family was sending me away because I've never experienced a life without them. My uncle lives in another state, so we drove off that morning in his car.

When I got to his house, I met his wife and children, whom they warmly welcomed. I felt at home at that instant, but I missed my real home. They were my family too, but it took me time to blend well with them. My uncle would always tell me, "Relax and feel at home." As time went by, I began to relax and feel at home.

What was your experience like...interesting, boring, maltreated, loved etc...Kindly share with us


Oh, my experience there was interesting and fun. I would wake up every morning to have a sumptuous breakfast with the family; afterwards, we would take a bath and go to our holiday classes. I made so many friends who were cool during this time.

I and my cousins go to our holiday classes with enough snacks to sustain us till the evening. My uncle's wife was just a mother to me. She even gives me more snacks than her kids. On weekends, my uncle drives us to a beach to look around; after that, we go to any eatery around to get ice cream and snacks.

Oh, we also went to see movies, especially cartoons, at the cinema. My uncle would tell us tales at moonlight each night when he noticed the moon was out. And the tales were all suitable for each night.

It was an experience; I couldn't tell all the story behind it because the fun was excessive. My cousins would play with me all day, especially on Sundays. My experience was interesting and enjoyable.

If you're given another opportunity to be away from home to the same place you visited, would you go? Give us reasons.


Yes, I would go because my first experience was cool, but I know I would be the only one at home with my uncle and aunty, so I would love to go only when my cousins are at home.

It's just that the holiday seasons at my uncle's home are over for me. I am out to face reality, so I would see visiting for a holiday as a waste of my time, and I know I won't get as much fun as possible when I'm there. They can only give me my space, not take me out, buy lots of goodies for me, or stuff like that. This time, I would be left to myself.

Being there would give me another opportunity to bond again with my family. But until my cousins are present, I remain at home.

I invite @mariami @lirvic @aspira



Nice content, very interesting and amazing I'm glad I stopped by to read. Indeed our home is our permanent residence where we can always lay our heads comfortably

 3 months ago 

You are right to say that, a home is a place where we live permanently, get nurtured, find rest, happiness, joy and peace. And I'm so glad to read that you enjoyed your holiday at your uncle's place, first you were skeptical about going because that was your first time of living your home, and then on getting there you were treated nicely by your uncle and his family and you actually felt at home. There are still few family members who are nice and kind and your uncle is one of them. Success to you

 3 months ago (edited)

Wow. Nice to hear that you went far from home at your uncle's place for holidays and you had a wonderful experience, thats great.

Yes, I would go because my first experience was cool, but I know I would be the only one at home with my uncle and aunty, so I would love to go only when my cousins are at home.

Thus outline gave me the confidence that your uncles house was a cool place and your enjoyed it so much. Well friend you have indeed given a well detailed explanation about this topic, I wish you success

Yeah! Home will forever be sweet but we must leave our comfirt zones to olan for tge future. You have written so greatly and I wish you the very best.

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