in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

10% payout to @steem4Nigeria

Greetings friends

Howdy! Welcome back to my blog!

Glad to be participating in this mind blowing contest organized by @lhorgic. Infact, coming across this contest made me have a throwback thought to when I took the biggest and only risk in life far back during my university days.

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Just as the saying goes;

"Life is a risk"

At some point in our lives, We all have taken risks that either involved money or our lives so I believe risk involves money and life and any individual who has not taken some risk at some point in life may be putting his life at risk because not taking risk in life is a bigger risk.


Naturally, I don't love taking risk. Sometimes, I get pessimistic when it comes to trying out new things and as such very careful when it involves taking risk.

So back to the biggest risk I've taken in life, and also the only risk I guess. I was about rounding up as an undergraduate to become a graduate in the year 2018 when a Ponzi scheme MMM (Mavrodi Mondial movement) was trending.
At first I thought this Ponzi scheme was just something that would last for few weeks and then finally go into extinction with the normal cock and bull stories of the website undergoing some upgrade. But surprisingly, it survived for months and even up to a year and more, It just seemed like a legit Ponzi scheme has come to stay! The hype was top notch and there was no need of testimonies from people who invested in this Ponzi scheme because the evidence showed in the way they enjoyed their lives with the money gotten from it. My reading mate even invested with her lodge rent fee and before the end of the week, she had already made x2 of what she invested. It looked so authentic that I started considering joining the moving train.

I had no spare cash to use for the investment and because of the too much heat from the Ponzi scheme, I used the school fees that was breathing in my account to invest. I felt proud of myself at that time, like in few days I will be seeing hundreds of thousands breathing in my account again not knowing the plans my village people had for me😆


And so, just when I was about reaping from my investment my fears happened. The stories of the website undergoing an upgrade and so on came up. Heei! That was the end of the so called hyped legit Ponzi scheme that was the talk of my dear country Nigeria. It was so heartbreaking for many Nigerians especially the youths because most had invested some if not all of their life savings. On my own end, I had invested my school fees and time for online course registration for the semester was fast approaching😩 I was totally in a mess because I didn't know what to do to raise my school fees again.

Should I extort money from my parents?
Should I go and do some part time jobs to earn money?
Or should I just tell my parents the truth?

These were the questions that always ran through my mind each passing day to the point of me waking up early morning with such questions popping out first on my mind 😂


Well, the online course registration finally started and was about to end and I couldn't still register because I hadn't paid my school fees. I pleaded with some friends and course mates to help me out, I didn't fully get help from them because they had something important they were doing with money too and some were also a victim of the MMM crash. So the little cash I got, I held on to it hoping I would get more to complete it but when I finally realized that I couldn't make it, I opened up to my parents. I was so lucky that I opened up to them via a phone call if not I'm sure I would have gotten the beat of my life that would have given a big scar on my body to always remind me of the unwise risk that I took. Seriously, they didn't take it lightly with me. They vowed never to give me another school fees again so I could learn from my mistake but as merciful and kind as they were, they resent my school fees and I immediately paid up, paid back my friends that I borrowed from and registered for my course. I would have messed up my academic pursuit if I didn't open up to them because not registering my courses for the semester means that I was not an active student for that semester and this in turn would have led to an extra year in school.


Sincerely, I wouldn't dare to take such risk in my life again. I don't even use my ears these days to hear or listen to anybody that has anything Ponzi to say cus the last experience I had taught me a whole lot. I have learnt from my experience even to the point of not forgetting to only use spare cash to do anything that involves taking risk. It's an unwise risk that I'll never give a try ever again.
Thanks for reading through!❤️

I invite @justin44 @munalice and @chikelly19 to participate in this amazing contest


Wooooow this is so interesting. I had a similar experienece with the so called MMM .....Believe you me it wasnt a nice 3xperience at all

 2 years ago 

Really, that Ponzi scheme It affected almost everyone and it was not funny at all. Thanks for stopping by dear🤗

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