The diary game 11/03/2024// About monday

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago

Hello friends, this is how my today went like:

Yesterday night around 2:30am when I returned from night market, I parboiled rice after my husband make the stew, so I could eat cause I was very tired and hungry and in the morning I would put some for my daughter in her lunch box. I finished washing the rice, put it back on fire,went back in to lay down and boom I slept off, woke up with the question by 5:55am by my husband "did you check the rice" I shouted and ran out only to see smoke everywhere and the whole rice burnt 😭😭😭😭😭
I was so sad and I was very hungry and angry too and the annoying thing is gas finished. Imagine burning a full pot of rice in this Nigeria economy oh my God, I am heart broken.

My children were at my mum's so I rush down there around 6:30am to pick them so she can meet up with school early and on getting there I had to cook another rice so I can feed her with it and give her some for lunch and before I could finished it was 7:30 am, I rushed out to the road picked Keke and zoom off to the house to pick her school scandals since I forgot to take them to my mum's and before I knew it it was 8:05am, I rushed her to school, I can't remember the last time she goes to school that late but it happened today and I was so angry with myself and my husband.

When I returned to the house, I feed my second daughter with food, tried to make my first post of the day when she was not disturbing and while on it sleep came, I managed to post it and then slept off.


I woke up by 2pm and it was almost time for my daughter to return from school, I rushed to the kitchen to parboiled another rice, washed it and cooked it again it was already 2:30pm so I pleaded with my husband to help me pick her in school which he did, I took that time to shower, feed the sister again and clean the house and wash the plates.



3:00pm she came back and I changed her from her school uniform, run a quick shower on her since the weather is very hot then, feed her which she refused but rather insist on sleeping, I let her rest till 5:pm.


By 5pm I woke her up, feed her, shower her again and rest a little with my phone while they played with the father. I played with my phone and sleep again till 8pm when it was time to go out for my night market business.


Thanks for reading,

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