Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 24: Giving and how it should be done

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago

Musa practicing the act of giving

Hello everyone, on steemit today is another great day as we move towards ending of the year, where we celebrate Christmas and give gift to our friends. I'm here to put more light on giving.

What is your definition of "Giving"

Giving is the act of transferring something such as love, care, or money without expecting anything in return.
Giving is one of the ways to care about other people's happiness by helping them where they are less privileged in life. In our society it community is important to practice giving to help each other's. Giving is one of the major tools that help to build intimate relationship between people's in the community.

What should be the right motive behind giving

Understanding the motive behind giving is one of the Major area to consider when practicing the act of giving in life. The following are the motive if giving

Gratitude is the act of giving to shows how grateful or contented you are with what you have in life. People who recognize they are blessed give to those who are less fortunate from what the have to show gratefulness
Do you believe in giving and publicizing the act? I.e sharing on social media
Empathy and compassion
This to under understand the pain and stress someone is passing through and you feel like you in the same shoe with the person, the kind of giving renderd to this person us due to compassion and empathy the you have for the person.
social norms and expectations
This is when people give because of the expectations that is placed on them to feet they social status or financial status in the community. People give to maintain their social status and respect in the community
personal value and belief
This is a motive because of the value that someone has for something such as if you believe in education, you give to support Education in your community.

Do you believe in giving and publicizing the act. I.e sharing on social media

No, I don't believe in that because you should give i a generous way without expecting anything and without any intention of maintaining your social and financial status.

Mention some of the ways you think the act of giving should not be done

  1. Do not give what you can afford
  2. Do not give to maintain you social status
    3.Do not give to make name


Giving is an element that helped to build strong relationship i the community, And the more you give the more you receive.
I invite @ishayachris @ripon0630


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