Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 24: Giving and how it should e done

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago
Hello Steem4Nigeria
What is your definition of "Giving"


Removing your rights over something and allowing someone to reform their rights over that thing is called giving . When you give something to others then that thing no longer belongs to you , that's what giving is . Giving is to GIVE .

As soon as the word giving comes, the first thing that comes to our mind is gift, but the field of giving is very vast . One can give their time , reward , teachings , food , a way of living , kindness etcetera .
But let me make one thing clear here that if you or I give money to someone on loan or interest , then that's whole different case .

What should be the right motive behind giving


Whatever we give to anyone, we should have a selfless spirit in it. We should not expect anything in return. The biggest purpose of giving should be that we can help others. Giving money or gift to someone is not just giving. Providing motivation support is also giving. Whenever I eat street food and some poor child asks me for money, I definitely feed him street food. Due to this, the children become very happy after eating street food. It does not matter what you give and what others think of it ... as long as your motive is kind and the next person is being benefited its good and precious.

Do you believe in giving and publicizing the act. I.e sharing on social media


Nothing is bad or good . It depends on your intentions. Besides as far as world is concerned... people will always hate you for some or the other reason and some will always find a reason to love you . See, doing anything with good purpose is good . If one posts his or her good deeds on social media for encouraging the act then its good but if for mere followers and attention then that truly depicts the narrow thinking of the person . Still it doesn't make him or her bad because craving attention is nature of living beings . I don't know how to judge such people . I have my criteria where i know what i will do and why . And certainly i don't crave public unwanted attention.

In my view, we should give in such a way that after giving we should not remember who we gave what to who . Like we come back after having food in a hotel and forget the next day. How much money did we pay in the restaurant and I would not like to take anything from a person who after giving show casts it everywhere, it tarnishes the image of the person taking it and hurts his reputation.

Mention some of the ways you think the act of giving should not be done

Well there are many circumstances under which one should not give ..

  1. If your own needs are unmatched . If you are not self capable of providing yourself or your loved ones sufficiently.. Then there is no need to become a fake savior and give others .

2)To torture someone. Don't give if you later have to torture that person by continuing making him count how much he ows you . Its a sin .

  1. Never give if you are expecter . One should give and forget , never expect any returns . Give only the amount or thing you are able to forget .

  2. Never for wrong things . Never give money to those who want it for stupid purposes such as drinking , smoking , gambling etcetera.

Cc - @steem4nigeria

Account summary:

Total Sp = 1409.297
Normal transfer: 2 steems ( returned as were transferred to me by mistake )

I invite : @aaru @shruti16 @ruthjoe


India, November 30 ,2023


If "Nothing is bad or good" and we really don't want to judge people.

Never [give money] for wrong things . Never give money to those who want it for stupid purposes such as drinking , smoking , gambling etcetera.

If we stand on the tenet that we are not judgmental. Then we can't pass a judgement on drinking, smoking and gambling. We could either pronounce bad as bad or accept everything around us.

 9 months ago 

Yeah i got your point , i totally agree . I am not judging others as long as its none of my business..... the point where i am pulled for giving something it got into my business. In case of giving something to someone , one needs to judge if he is investing in right person and meaningful purpose. The above mentioned things usually ends a person in a wrong state . Besides doing anything in limit is never bad but if someone seeks you for such purposes then it gets a little clear that he or she is desperate and so its better to see their state of activity .

Thank-you for reading my post and leaving such a beautiful comment 🍀🍀

 9 months ago 

Greeting @moyeon a thoughtful reflection on the true essence of giving! Your emphasis on selflessness and the genuine desire to help others resonates deeply. The idea of giving without expecting anything in return and maintaining a humble approach is truly admirable. It's a beautiful perspective on the act of giving, encompassing various forms beyond material gifts. Keep spreading kindness .🌟✨

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