Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 16: Chemical Vs Natural Products

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago


Hello everyone, best of wishes to the wonderful Steemians out there, much congratulations to the winners of the previous Accelerator Contest. So, today, I am here to give a take on the use of chemical and natural products and their advantages and disadvantages because alot of people have been contemplating on which one to go for considering their efficacy.

Describe Your View On The Use Of The Both Two Products.


Firstly, I would say from my own view, these two products are as effective as they could be, there are certain circumstances that demands the use of herbs and there are certain illness that demands the use of drugs(chemically made). So in this case, we don't sideline one and abandon the other as they work in correlation with each other.

Secondly, natural medicine has been here from time immemorial and it is from plants and herbs that we have chemical drugs after refining them in the lab and making sure all the impurities are gone, so, I would say the both products serves is to some extent and play an important role in saving the human and even animals.

What Is Your Opinion On The Eradication Of Chemical Products.

The Eradication of chemical substances should be accessed, evaluated before eradicating them. For example, chemical substances that are aimed at healing and serving humanity the positive way should be allowed to remain in the health market for continuity of its purpose.

Also, chemical products that aims to destroy humanity and intoxicate both young and old should be abolished, products such as; Colorado, molly, shisha, vaporizer, cigarettes and the likes should be abolished totally and be considered as an exhibit and should allow the person face the full wrath of the law.

Despite The Disadvantages. Do You Think The Two Is Important In Our Lives?


Everything on earth has advantages and disadvantages but then, so in this case, both products should be allowed but the medical body should be sure to regulate the use of these items so they won't be abused. In a case where one is eradicated, the other might not be efficient enough to solve the health problems of humanity.

Also, chemical products involves the refining the two or more natural products inorder to have a desired chemical products. So in a situation where chemical products are abolished or eradicated, therefore the efficacy of natural products will be limited.

Moreso, if natural products are abolished , the chemical products won't be achievable, so these two deserves a spot in our lives. Let's take for instance during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was the combination of different natural products that resulted in chemical products used in treating and vaccination people, so they should be given a space.

Have You Had Any Personal Experience From Both Products?


Currently, I am still using the both products, I have been having itchy hands for the past one week, the nza leaf was recommended to stop the scratch while the Benzyl Benzoate Bp was recommended to clear the scabies on my hand. These two have been working so perfectly for me.

Secondly, I once had an internal heat that I had to take just natural herbs after trying the chemical products and it wasn't giving me the desired result, so i opted for the natural remedy and I was cured withing a week of taking it.

I invite @etette, @emily08 and @chant to participate in this contest if they are yet to do so.

Thanks for reading

 10 months ago (edited)
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ThankGod @megareigns that you've been relieved from the scabies and body scratch for utilizing the natural and chemical products as prescribed by the auxillary chemistrian. Congrats

I'm happy it really worked out, it goes a long way to show the effectiveness of these two products.

Thank you for dropping by

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