Internet Fraud; definition, types and ways of not being a victim. || 10% to steem4nigeria

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The 21st century has lots of development that has come with it. Indeed technology has evolved so as other branches of technology. The term "Global village" has also been achieved at maximum.
Internet networking, communication technologies have been properlu utilized so as to make surfing and carrying out activities online very smooth and easy.
Internet fraud has also been in session right from time that is to say the modification and upgrade of the Internet (World Wide Web) has also seen the upgrade of internet fraudsters too. They tend to upgrade, evolve and follow the trend, constantly adapting with technology to dupe people online. This documentation is going to create awareness and I urge those who will be opportuned to resteem this so that it will be good.


Internet fraud is simply defined as any fraudulent activities carried out via the use of internet. It is simply the illegal collection of peoples money, goods and services using the Internet as the source.
Stats have it that there are alot of transactions that involve millions of US dollars every year gotten through scams and internet frauds.

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Internet fraud comes in many ways and tactics and so far so good they have been able to track them to the following;

Spams as the name implies is a type of Internet fraud where the fraudsters send multiple unwanted messages all just to lure their victims to provide personal informations inorder to get goods from them. This type of messages are called commercial messages.

Here the fraudsters send messages to the victims email or phone number signifying that theres an opportunity for them if they follow the given instructions. This messages or email are always lies thus they are called SCAM.

From the name spy, any means aimed at spying at peoples private information and getting them for tge purpose of manipulation is called spyware. Usually they can be inform of small gadgets or use of technology to view peoples private and sensitive information without their consent .

Phishing is the most annoying and people fall prey to this predator. Here, fraudsters use links either to a commercial company to lure victims provide personal information. A good example is when a fraudster sends you a message to follow the link to update your bank details and it looks like the bank sent it. This type of fraud usually require sophisticated tools on the fraudsters end.

This is when the fraudster impersonates someone else for the purpose of getting money from victims. An examle is when someone tries to copy your brother or a celebrity of interest and texts you via whatsapp or any socials. This one is very common and it is very effective in catching victims.

Here, the fraudsters uses information gotten from phishing to divert or remove money from the victims bank and divert it to another account.


Actually some people out there are falling to Internet scams because of a little mistakes. Here are some of the ways to not fall a victim to scam and internet fraud

  • Creating awareness on the vices implored by this fraudsters to dupe victims. This will help keep people oriented on how they work. Trust me the higher the number of people aware of this, the lower the rate of victims.

  • People should limit the way they share private information on the internet as it can be used against you.

  • Always keep your Antivirus and keep your phone a tracker so as to monitor activities.

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I urge all readers of this post to resteem this post. Remember information is power.


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