The Dairy Game 18/11/22 || A lazy but busy day!

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Don't mind my caption, it is just what it is really. I actually felt lazy at work but got very busy with buying and selling activities eventually. The whole gist for the day is captured below

Everyday is a blessed day for me I must say. I woke up feeling a bit tired and reluctant but of course, it didn't stop me from giving thanks to God my maker who made it possible to witness another day.

Well I slept really late the previous night, yesterday was about the most busiest day of the week for me. I woke up feeling week and lazy,more so it was very cold this morning, harmattan is gradually taking the stage in this part of the world.

I had to start preparing for work.I bathed with cold water in spite of the cold that was all over that morning and then left for work. I had also planned to get some stuffs in the market after school as today is like our black Friday in this local

Things are less expensive on market days which is always on Friday which happens to be today.
I got to school and was still feeling very reluctant to work, maybe everyone have at some point been in my shoes. l had to remain in the staff room, I guess hunger also contributed to my laziness that morning so I had to get hot fried yam.

Hot Fried yam

I was in the staff room still brooding over what am supposed to teach for the day till it was some minutes to 12am which was the normal time the school closes on Friday. Fridays are usually half day here because of the general market activity in the community.

I left the school and went home to start preparing to get the stuffs I needed for the week in the market.
I had my list and so I started buying the things I had written.

The fish market was the first place I visited with my colleague that were with me. The fish from the first shop we approach seems to be a bit expensive. Fortunately for us we saw a church member of ours who was also into this business. We then bought from her. We spent N900 (6.9 steems) here.

Fish market

I bought garri, a module cost 300 , I actually purchased 2 modules which is about 2.3 steems. Although we didn't buy form our customers today.

The garri seller

I had also written beans in my list, so I had to go for it. I had finished the one I bought the last time so I had to buy N300 (2.3 steems) beans. This one is not measured with module anyways, I decide to buy in bit because I still haven't forgiven myself for throwing away spoilt beans of over a module because I could finish it up as at when due.

Beans seller

I bought spice from my usual customer shop, she is an aged woman but I noticed she has not been coming for the past 2 weeks. She travel and so someone is helping her with her goods. I bought star Maggi.. Don't think am a good cook but one think am sure of is that you would almost bit your fingers if you eat my delicacies.

My customers shop for spices.

We proceeded from here to get crayfish from another customer of ours, an aged woman as well. Don't mind me, we like building relationship comfortably with people we have purchased things from more than twice in the market, this is how many sellers in the market became our customer.


I went to a nearby shop very close to the market to get my provision. I didn't buy much though I bought just a roll of top cafe tea. I think I have missed that tea.


Afterwards,I visited mama Ije's shop which is usually our last bus stop, this is where I buy the ingredients for my soup. I bought a cup of melon and two pumpkin leaves costing about N300 (2.3 steems).

Mama Ije's boy blending my melon

This was where I stayed until .y order was fixed and then left. I had a fellowship to catch up with later in the evening. Before then, I had to prepare potatoes porridge with some of the pumpkin leaves I bought at mama Ije's place.

I later went for the fellowship by 5pm and then came back by 6pm. I also had to visit a colleague of mine who wasn't feeling fine. I came back had a productive discussion with another colleague as well before I eat and checked what was happening online.

This was how my day went I just hope you enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks for coming this far with me. I really appreciate. Gracias!



Hello @lhorgic!

Can you tell me what happened to the Steem Skillshare community?

 2 years ago 

I though I answered this the last time you asked. Apart from the response I gave you then,I don't have any clue as to what happened. The founder just decided to stop running the community.

Thanks. I was hoping that you might have had an update.

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