Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 34: Time Changes

in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago

Am super happy to finally hop in on this contest. I had so much publication to publish over the week, hence the reason why I had to push to this very moment. The contest topic looks really interesting and engaging to me.

It's the very reason why I decided to hop in and share my two cents. I just hop y'all find it interesting. Let's get into it guys.

Mention 5 things that was there in your country 10 years back that isn't here now?

There are quite a lot of things we used to have back then in this country but you know times change. We do not see these thing anymore, I could say they metamorphosed into something better due to technological advancement. Let me mention the ones that came to mind...

Car: There are some cars that were common, I mean it was what people cherished and loved to use way back but technology has pushed some of these cars out of the market as more and more sophisticated cars have been introduced.


Only few cars back then had A.C (air conditioner) and other features that makes driving it more comfortable and fun. Althoughs
I won't deny the fact that some of those old cars are more durable, they really are but then we have to move on.

Lantern: The source of light for us while growing up was an old looking flaming lantern. Interestingly these lamp was just what every household depended on for light when electricity power supply is interrupted.. Do you also know that not every household could afford it? It was just beyond the reach of many household.


Today we have LED and solar lighting systems that have flooded the market. They are relatively cheap and easy to maintain, they do not require much to put them into use. All thanks to technology.

Thatched houses: these houses were common way back...I mean travelling back into time. It was just this common house around. Although they are not always situated in the open part of the city, we usually refer to them as village houses since you would always find it in a setting called village.

Today it no more the same story, these houses are hardly seen. Many of these houses have been brought down and the land it was built on were used to raise very beautiful and mordern structures.

It's even difficult to say today that we still have places called village because modernization is creeping very fast into the nukes and crannies of every part of the world

Stereos: it use to be stereos before more sophisticated sound system took over. If we look around, we might still find stores where some of these things are kept maybe for future references to our unborn kids.

Typewritters: 10 years ago, typewriters were the very computing tool for every well meaning organization. We have typist all around. I mean you get paid handsomely for knowing how to operate this tool and use it for every official typing and documentation.

Today, computers have taken the available space it would have occupied. The use of Desktop and laptop in offices is now very common. No one finds typewriter fit enough to handle the demands of organization. It's life. We just have to move on.

Is the value of currency used in your country appreciating or depreciating?

I really wish I do not get to talk about this, but it can't be avoided based on the demand for this contest. The present state of the Naira is not very commendable. It has gone from bad to worse over the years.

Many attempts have been made to correct this anomality and is still being worked upon as we speak but the effort seems not to be yielding so much result. The Naira is depreciating in value and it's telling on the general cost of commodity in the country.

The price of commodity has skyrocketed in the past few months, making it difficult for a common man to live comfortably. Feeding has become very difficult all because the economy is in a total mess and mishape. I really do hope we get off this plane as soon as possible

Deliberate on the prices of 5 commodities in your country 10 years back and now.

Eeeeerm...what commodity should I highlight now? Well, am just thinking aloud. Okay I think I have few things running through my mind right now.

PMS: The price of PMS which we all love to refer to as petrol in this part of the world have experienced quite a number of change in price in the past few years. I grew up to meet the price of petrol below N100 per litre making life relatively better as at then.

Although we had some older folks who felt as at that time that we were being exploited even at that price and that the economy was bad. Today the same petrol sell between N600 - N700 bringing the economy to a very depressing state.

Rice: This is one of the common major food Nigerians love to eat. It was sold for less that N50 per cup and less than N300 per measure years ago but today an average man struggles to get a cup, let alone measure.


Household of about 5 or 6 members would not even want to look in the direction of rice because they can't afford the very amount that would cater for the 6 of them conveniently, so they go for alternatives.
The rice that was sold for less that N300 per measure is no been sold for more than N400 per cup.

It will interest you to know that a measure here contains 10 cups, so we use the amount used in buying 10 cups to buy less than 1 cup today. How do we explain this drastic unfavorable change to our children yet unborn?

Garri: Garri is another common food that everyone is expected to be able to afford even the poorest of all. it was even considered a poor man's meal as it came to their rescue each and every time.

Today the reverse is the case, it has become very expensive that the poor is now crying to afford a little that won't even take them beyond that day.

It used to be sold for N5 per cup years back and measure (10 cups) less than N100 but today we buy a cup for the same amount it would have gotten for us 10 cups. Who do we report all of these to...Hmmmmm...

Has these changes affected you? If yes, how. If no, tell us your secrets

Everyone is affected, as long as you're a citizen, you get to see the sharp changes in the things you purchase and activities you do daily. However some folks seem to operate like they ain't living in this country. They seem to have all they need because they can conveniently afford them.

You have to operate in a foreign economy, alien to the one we are in presently...I call it the God kind of economy where all needs are supplied supernaturally. That the economy I've tapped into and will continue to remain.

I know and believe he would always supply all my needs. That the little secret I have which have saved me from the heat of all these economic mess. God supernaturally meets all of my need by His divine supply and am grateful.

Pardon me for taking you along this path but I could not refrain from talking about it since we have been asked to talk about our coping strategy.

I would love to wrap it up here. I hope you enjoyed this write up, thanks for coming this far with me.
@rakiya @josepha and @waqahramadshah might just be interested in this contest.. Gracias.




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Curated by : @eliany

 7 months ago 

Thanks for the support @eliany

 7 months ago 

Indeed, a lot of things have changed unlike those day's when whatever that is manufactured was usually strong. Thanks for the invite, and good luck to you.

 7 months ago 

We hardly see those strong durable product nowadays. Thanks for the engagement dear brother.
