Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 30: Worry Doesn't Solve Problems

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago (edited)



It feels good to make an entry into this contest in my beautiful community, I really do not jump at all contest, but trust me, this got my attention. The topic of discussion seem to be what an average human experience. I would like to share my thoughts in line with the contest guidelines. Let get into it...

What does it mean to worry and is it bad to do so?

To Worry simply means to be anxious and apprehensive. I hope I have not used some ambiguous terms. Well this is my own personal definition. Worry seems to be a feeling everyone can relate with but then some have learnt to handle it better than others.

Worry happens when our mind is occupied with concerns that seems beyond what we can handle and then before we realize, fear sets in and sometimes torments us and in my humble opinion, worry is not actually good, it doesn't really solve problem.

Does worry solve problems? If yes, why? If no, why?

I've seen and heard of folks who got so worried and allow themselves to be completely overwhelmed by their concerns and this eventually led to their death. Fear which is one of the result of worry has torment, hence we shouldn't give ourselves to worry.

I've never see or heard of a case where worry solved a problem, it rather adds to the problem. It's not wrong to think of how to get solution but when we allow such thoughts overwhelm us and take a toll on our health then there comes the problem...My take here is that it doesn't solve problems.

Highlight 3 causes of worrying and 3 consequences of worrying?

There are quite a number of reason why people worry, I will itemize the few I know, I believe my readers would connect with the following points.

Uncertainties: people give in to worry when they are not sure of what the future holds, they worry because they can't tell what would become of them the very next minute, days or years, this feeling can be very tiring especially when you're a very ambitious person and everything you have planned seems not to be playing out as planned.

Change: Change is one thing that is constant in life. Not everybody knows how to handle change. We feel exposed and naive when we are introduced to things we ain't familiar with i.e introduce to a new task, relocating to new environment we have never lived...etc



Of course I have an experience along this line. I remember when we were to move from where we lived for years to our permanent site. It was as though my whole life was about to shut down. I started imagining how I would cope there, how am going to survive there without the friends I have known all my life, how I was gonna keep up with my spiritual activities like attending church programs and the likes.

My mum on the other hand was overwhelmed with anxiety. She thought about how she was gonna start afresh with business, she doesn't even know if her kind of business would thrive there. My dad kept encourage and we moved eventually. Everything turned out super well and we are grateful. It's been 10 years down the line and we are good, we never regretted making that move.

Money problem: lack of money can make one go nut. I like money, everyone does but am careful with the use of the word love when it comes to money. The Love of money has led people into several atrocities, the evidences are all around us today.

Money can make a man worry from today till eternity especially when he is responsible for not only himself but for others. The thought of how to foot his bills can completely ravage his sense of reasoning. Money is an essential substance and when lacked can lead to serious worry.

The Consequences of worry includes the following;

• Deteriorating Health
• Lack of productivity.
• Lack of confidence/Morale
• Depression.
• Suicidal thoughts
• Suicide.

State 4 solutions to avoid worrying too much

• Distract yourself : intentionally distracting ones self is a good way to overcome worry. You can do this by hanging out with friends with positive energies, friends that are positive about life... You could take a walk around or even meditate.

Share your worries: Do not keep your worries to yourself. There is this common saying that a problem shared is half solved. Well this is true to an extent. There is this ventilation that hits your soul when you unburden your mind by sharing what borders you with another. It's as though a weight was lifted off your chest.



The problem has not gone yet but then it has been shared and if you're fortunate to have someone who doesn't only care to listen but to go all out to help you get your problem fixed then you're blessed. The saying will then be true indeed because there will definitely be solution.

Take steps: what most people do when they worry is they they channel all their energy and strength focusing on the problem, they get so clouded that they are shut out of the thought of getting solution. They whine and cry the fear, anxiety and all but never channel their strength into figuring out a solution.

To some the solution to their problem might just be to move on with life but then they don't seem to understand this, they don't see a reason to because they feel they have gotten to the end. Little did they know that there are better days ahead.

Turn to God: The psalmist say in the Holy Bible says "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from where cometh my help, my help cometh from God, the maker of heaven and Earth. Personally when things seems to be beyond my control, I turn to God for help... especially when I can't figure out "how".

I would recommend God anytime any day to anyone who would love to overcome worry. You know, there is this relief I get when I talk to God about my worries. I just know He will always come through for me somehow, I don't always want to know how so as not to box Him, I leave him to help me the way He deems fit.


Worry has never solved any problem, none that I know so we need to take thing easy and soft so that we can outlive the challenge we are faced with. When worry is not handled well, it could affect us badly. Let me cease this opportunity to invite my friends @waqarahmadshah @de-creata @chiomi. I hope they find this contest interesting enough to enter.



You've outlined some of the main causes and consequences of worrying quite comprehensively. Money problems, in particular, can be a significant source of worry for many people. Sharing your concerns with someone who cares can provide emotional relief, and as you said, it's like lifting a weight off your chest. Thanks for the invitation, I'll try to participate.

 9 months ago 

Am glad you can relate with my writing.. thanks for coming by to share your thoughts as well. I hope to see your entry soon.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through Curation Team#2. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @waterjoe


 9 months ago 

Thanks for the support friend.

Worry has never been the solution as you've stated sir, but an open gate to death of the Spirit, soul and finally, the body. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and invite.

 9 months ago 

Am glad you agree with me on this...I hope you will be making an entry soon into this contest. Will be looking forward to reading your thoughts as well.


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @josepha?
 9 months ago 

Thanks for the support brotherly.

 9 months ago 

Yes. Turning onto God is the best solution.
The Bible says in the book of ‭

Matthew‬ ‭6:25‭-‬27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

[25] “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?[26] Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?[27] Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

 9 months ago 

So on point with this scripture my dear. Am Glady we are on the same page, good to know we share the same faith...I can tell you're a good student of the word from what I see. Thanks for engaging.

 9 months ago 

You're welcome👍


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