The diary game || 7- 04- 2024 || The joy and peace of getting into Jehovah rest, circuit assembly of Jehovah's witnesses...

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

1712521142012~2.jpgHolding Assembly program with @alli001.

Dear diary.

It was Sunday, the long awaited day to explore with happiness. Assembly is always a day of happiness, a day to travel to another local government to attend and listen to the words of our supreme God and a day to see people in different colours of rainbows because the camp is always full of crowds. It's always a day beyond expectations.


My eyes got attached to the sunshine as it shines through my window and I woke up proudly because I slept with a deep eagerness waiting for the Sunday morning to approach, I prayed for the earth to rotate fast so the morning could approach faster. With the happiness of attending assembly, i took to consider my daily scripture.

It was a scripture that highlighted the punishment of committing a sin and sticking to it instead to repent. In the Jehovah witnesses organization, when the elders meet with the wrongdoer, their intention is to reach the same decisions on earth which has already been confirmed in heaven to prevent the Jehovah sheep from getting harm from the wrongdoer. It was a scripture that reminded me of the consequences of doing wrong and I benefited from it.


After the scripture, I picked up my outfit to the laundry which I stumbled with alli001. It happened that he came to iron his outfit for the convention too, from the looks of things we both ironed the same shirt coincidentally, blue colour.

I spent a couple of hours at the laundry with alli001 because the Landry was dealing with his clients who came earlier than us. We used the opportunity to chat about the assembly, alli001 said he would shatter keke to the assembly which i planned the same, that was how we scheduled our journey together.

We both returned from the laundry shop to our different destination, I took to prepared, i bathe and polish my cover shoe. Before I could dress up Alli001 had already landed with a bike man, he had to waited a minutes before i could package up everything. We both climbed the bike and left, the bike dropped us at the tarred road which we had to waited for a friend of us.


He arrived on time and we boarded a bus. We reach alli001 work place which he wanted to pickup his female friend. We waited until she came. She climbed the bus with h us and we left. The planned was to shattered the bus straight to the assembly camp but unfortunately the bus man changed his mind which lead to him dropping us half way. No one knows what sneaks into his mind. He charged us 800 Naira, 2 STEEM .


We saw a keke man who was willing to drive us in an affordable price and we embrace the opportunity. The drift was going well not until he got out of fuel which led to him bending his keke whether it would drive to the patrol station, luckily it worked for him. He drove to the fuel station to filled Petro. We finally reached our destination after 30 minutes. We decided to dropped at the entrance and walked down.


Before we got inside the assembly ground, we took to ate at the nearest restaurant. I and ali001 ordered Rice and malt, specifically jollof rice with fish and Dubic malt. It was yummy though. It was 10:20AM when we finally got inside the assembly camp.


"ENTER INTO GOD REST" was the assembly team. It was really encouraging and mind building, I was rehabilitated with Informative hope and encouragement scriptures. The theme might sound strange to some people but yes we can into God's rest, living our life according or in line with the scripture will possibly salvage us from the corrupt world, we might suffer but we won't be overwhelmed with it because God rest will protect and comfort our mind.



It is God rest that helps these people to got baptized that day. They tempted God and they saw that he had the most perfect rest a man could ever wanted. In that assembly, 12 souls got baptized if not mistaken and it was a great improvement from each of their congregation.

I experienced God rest at the assembly. The whole environment was calm, in the midst of the people I saw peaceful co-existence, nothing like intimidation was found instead I saw sharing of belonging, the whole environment was filled love and God rest.



It was 12 o'clock when the morning session halted and everyone went for lunch. I went to the assembly with just myself and my phone but guess what! I was stomach was filled with yummy food. Before we left the auditorium sit u mean I and alli001, we were invited to to ate our lunch for free without paying, they served us coconut rice. Our attention was called for another food, this time it was rice and stew. I ate and got tired so I decided to used sprite.


As we left, I bumped in with these triplets. They're my long time friends and we only meet each other at assembly day. I couldn't allow them to escape my Camara so I captured three of them at a time. We later took time to talk about things, they asked about my congregation and I told them the improvement we made, they told me theirs too and we set apart.

I didn't really feel like taking a lot of pictures because I thought I didn't look good but Camara said no. Alli001 was the one who forced me to snap which I later got interested in. Look at the photo gallery.

Sooner the afternoon session commenced at 1:20PM which everyone was done with their lunch. The service began after everyone had taken their seat accordingly. We decided to sit at the car pack because it seems like the auditorium was full because of the newcomers.


We sat at the car pack until 3 o'clock which we stood up and walked a little bit to the back of the auditorium until the end of the assembly. Everyone stood up to sing the closing song and the closing prayer followed. A total of 2625 attended the morning session whereas 2840 people attended the afternoon session . 215 difference and that was a great number of people. The picture shows the people walking out of the camp.

As people were busy walking out of the camp, we took pictures, this time around i was the one leading gang. We took as many pictures as we could because the background was something else, the background was well bluer and saturated. Feed your eyes on the photo gallery.


We should've took a lot of pictures but the planned was to left the camp immediately after it halted due to the gathering we planned so we all quite and planned on our way back to the gathering venue. While walking out of the assembly camp I sneak back to captured a selfie.


It's always complicated to find an empty vehicle because a lot of people are there looking for vehicle too, as the results the price is always high. We needed to walk a bit as to space from the battalion. We saw a keke which he took us but he dropped us halfway. While inside the keke I captured the lane. He charged us 1000 NAIRA, 2.4STEEM.


Immediately the driver dropped us, we saw another keke man who took us to the gathering venue. It took him 25 minutes drift before he could reach our destination, alli001 wanted to pay him but unfortunately he couldn't find it so i handled the fare. He charged us 500 NAIRA, 1.1STEEM, after a lot of bargains.


As we dropped, we walked down to the venue which we got a stunning shot from a friend. He captured us unawarely and it seems like everyone's eyes were on us. Soon we reached the venue.


Alli001 is not a joker when it comes to chicken, you guys would laughed as he rush to where the fowl was tightened just to grab and have butcher the fowl. He succeeded with his deeds and took to slaughter the fowl into pieces. Everything was at place so he added the available spices and cooked the fowl.



While cooking the fowl, I decided to charged my phone as it was off. He gave me his own phone to charge too. On reaching the charging station i realized that the business guy is my classmates, I was excited to meet with him after a long time,we shake hand and i left my phone for charging. He charged me 100 NAIRA instead of 150 NAIRA.

When I returned back, I saw others people who came to complete the gathering sitting outside the compound. The owner of the compound also came out with the ancient vibes which I got interested to listen I don't joke with ancient vibes and I listen very attentively when it comes to it.

The chef was done with the cooking and the fowl was ready to consume. The chef which was alli001 dish out the chicken to everyone with a bottle of champion. It wasn't just champion they brought out some alcoholic drinks which I don't too like consuming it but I took small anyway. I hate staying without because I could've captured the moment but I missed it.


We vibes, we chewed and we drink. After everything was done I headed to the charging station to unplug my phone, it was already fully charged. Before I left I captured his charging center and left.

It was 9:30 when we departed from the gathering. We didn't yet gotten home, we went to ate fruit to reduce the strength of the alcohol we consume. We saw a lot of fruits and we ate a lot of fruit. Take a look at them.

IMG_20240407_215707_573.jpgMANGO, we find a lot of vitamins such as Vitamin A,B,C,E and K.
PAWPAW, a nutritious fruit which contains magnesium, iron and Vitamin C.IMG_20240407_215409_731.jpg
IMG_20240407_215244_781.jpgPINEAPPLE is a source of Vitamin C and it contains calcium too.
ORANGE, you eat Orange you protect yourself from cardiovascular disease because of the fiber it contains, it contains vitamins too.IMG_20240407_215223_200.jpg
IMG_20240407_215213_370.jpgCUCUMBER, contains a lot of vitamins such as Vitamin B12, B12, B3, K, folic acid Potassium and lot's more.
WATERMELON, is highly rich in protein, carbohydrates, sugar, Vitamin C, calcium and lot's more.IMG_20240407_215200_404.jpg


Those were the vitamins we packed into our body. No wonder I felt good on the next day, I got a lot of energy and body balance. After consuming all the vitamins, we finally returned to our different destination which we all put our head to rest. That was how I ended my joyous and peaceful day.



Best regards KIDI40

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Sunday being 9th of April was full of fun and excitement. In chuckle when i recall those memories, time we spent together and the delicious meal we were fed with at the assembly ground. Don't forget we'll do this again 1st Sunday of next month, it'll be lit

 2 months ago 

I'm eagerly waiting for the first Sunday of next months, it's gonna be a day to remember. I appreciate your comment.... ☺️

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