My Neighborhood Watch #31 - Reporting Events Around ussteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago (edited)

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Greetings to my fellow steemians in @steem4nigeria, I trust y'all are doing great and y'all had a great dau today, special greetings to @xkool24 for always bringing up this contest.

Day by day, several things has been happening around the world and near our surrounding, today I'm here to report to y'all the event happening around my surrounding, journey with me as i start this journey.

Today headline, 20- 1- 2024.

Road construction in mbiaobong etoi uyo.

Regional convention at assembly hall of Jehovah's witnesses, mbiokporo 1 Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

Road construction in mbiaobong etoi uyo.

IMG_20240120_093704_998~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

Today at mbiaobong etoi, uyo local government area, Akwa Ibom State, there's an ongoing road construction, it was last year I saw this ongoing construction since then and according to what I see, I think they stopped and began this year one more time.

The reconstruction of this road has brought in positive news to the community and saved people's life, for instance the road was previously one lane putting people's life to unfortunate death through unnecessary accidents, the plan now is to turn the two lane to four lane, which means that they'll be mire space for vehicles and humans and accidents will be scarce.

IMG_20240120_093948_994~3.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

Due to the construction, vehicle's are currently using just one lane which means that the roadside tight and more concentration and focus is needed from drivers to avoid accidents, I have to be very watchful and careful when capturing the event because being careless will result in loosing my phone or blind screen.

Regional convention at assembly hall of Jehovah's witnesses, mbiokporo 1 Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

IMG_20240120_122231_394~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

Today been 20th of January, there was an ongoing convention at mbiokporo 1 at Uyo local government, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Today is their first assembly in 2024 and the topic of the convention was keep on waiting i was there live when the assembly was hosting and i attend the assembly convention as well, people that attended the assembly during the morning session was 2700 wow!! a thousand of people attended the morning session.

IMG_20240120_160950_205~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

The morning session halt at 12 o'clock Pm and seven souls got baptized and became full members of Jehovah's witnesses, afternoon session happens at 1:30 when people had returned from break, during the afternoon session I got surprised when they announced the Numbers of people that attend, approximately 2745, a total of 45 people came to joined the afternoon session.

I pray for a successful road construction at mbiaobong etoi, uyo local government area and your prayers will push the construction to the next level, for the assembly convention of Jehovah's witnesses, I'm thrilled to report to y'all that everything took in place and the convention ended peacefully as usual, I'm sure everyone had return to their different destination peacefully.

Here is where I end my report for today, see y'all next Saturday!!.

I'll love to invite @bossj23 @patjewell and @goodybest to participate in this contest.

To everyone reading and supporting this post, I wish you all the best of life ❤️🫂.

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