Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2| My Manifesto As a Presidential Aspirant in Nigeria by @Kennydavebobo

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)


Good day to all my fellow Steemians Colleagues, I'm happy to partake in the previous contest and It's another opportunity to be here again to be part of this new contest.


I will say It had never occurred to me that I will be allowed to act as a Presidential candidate not to talk of being manifestos because I had never looked into that direction maybe because I seem not to focus on Political positions. Sometimes opportunities make one discover his hidden potential. This initiative has given me the platform to showcase my capabilities and competency as the President of my country Nigeria.


Users are expected to analyze the current state of the country


Before I will talk about the current state of my country Nigeria I will like to briefly talk about the history of Nigeria.

Nigeria gain its independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960, It is made up of 36 states.
The federal government of Nigeria is composed of three branches (arms of government for proper separation of power)

  • Executive: They are those that implement the laws which consist of the President, Vice President, and federal agencies.

  • Legislative: They are the ones responsible for making laws they consist of the House of Representatives and Senate.

  • Judicial: They interpret the laws and enforce the laws it consisting of the Supreme Court and Other courts.

These branches make up the federal government of Nigeria and one of the purposes is to ensure the operational boundary of all the organs of the government. Nigeria was ruled by a Military regime and it lasted till 1999 when the democratic government took over. whereas the main notion of Democratic government is that there will be a civil society in which citizens will have the right to act and speak freely and to reduce the abuse of the use of power, ever since the reign of democratic government, Nigeria has suffered a huge setback in the sense that elites in Nigeria have been found to have more power and influence than average citizens they misbehave anyhow and support injustice, and as a consequence of this, there has been a great deal of corruption in the country. Take for example In 2012, Nigeria was estimated to have lost over $400 billion to corruption since its independence.

I elaborated on the tiers of government because their smooth operation greatly influence the current state of the nation. Improper function and incompetency of these governments as put the country in a very bad shape such as bribery, terrorism, unemployment, bad roads, and Corruption staining the image of the country, take for example In 2021, the country ranked 154th in the 180 countries listed in Transparency International's Corruption Source


Why do you think you will be suitable for the position of a president


  • Communication: As a leader, I possess good communication skills which will help me to convey rightful information to the people of the country and be able to inform them about their obligations and duties as a good citizen of the country.

  • Integrity: integrity is an essential leadership trait that can drive positive values. I pledge not to break the trust of individual citizens of this prestigious country.

  • Delegation: I will promote teamwork among the branches of government and make the right decisions that will help the country to grow bigger and better.


Identify the most pressing problems that your citizens are facing and try to proffer solutions to them


  • Corruption: The rate of corruption in Nigeria is so alarming and it runs through every level of the government. The government no longer thinks about the welfare of the citizens. Also not only our government is corrupt likewise the citizens as well in the sense that the rate of bribery among the elite increases day by day, Greed for money among the youth of the country, thirst for violence, and causing casualties.

  • High rate of unemployment: This is no news that there is no Job in the country, and many youths are compelled to engage themselves in dirty jobs, some are lured to do rituals when it's hard to find a job and when they want to live a robust life.

  • High rate of Insecurities: The country is so bad that people's lives are now endangered nobody is secure even the rich are not safe, terrorism is making a wave in the country and the government is yet to find a solution to the state of insecurity. take for example the recent massacre killings of people in the Catholic Church during Sunday Services.


MY Solutions to the Problem


  • Corruption: One of the ways to end corruption is by imposing effective law enforcement punishment for law breakers, I believe when the punishment for breaking laws of the country is rightfully implemented it will decrease the rate of corruption among the leaders and citizens of the country. I believe nobody is above the law.

  • Unemployment: I will reduce the rate of unemployment in the country by providing a friendly industrial environment for the youth to work such as good roads, and a stable power supply. I believe this Country is blessed with creative and intelligent people and when there's a conducive environment business will continue to grow.

  • Insecurity: one of the factors that contribute to insecurity is the joblessness of the youth of the country a saying goes thus that an idle hand is the devil's workshop. I believe when there's is readily available Job for the youth there will be a notable decrease in crimes in the country. Also equipping the security department with modern technology that with aid to fight against crimes and adequate training for the security department.


The Innovation I'm bringing in


One of the problems this country is facing is improper management of resources. when there's proper management of resources which plays a significant role in improving a business’s profitability and sustainability. I will make sure that country's resources are properly managed and not being embezzled by some groups of people. I will also create awareness about the importance of Agriculture which the country has neglected since the discovery of crude oil.


This initiative has allowed me to express myself on how I will carry out my duties as the President of my country Nigeria in which I emphasized on impunity use of power by the elite in the country. It's a great honor. I hope with this manifesto, I'm able to convince you that I'm suitable and capable to become the President of my country Nigeria.

Thanks for reading
I will like to use this medium to invite my friends
@olawole111 @bossj23 @ojerindejoel @bolaji001 to participate in this wonderful contest by @Steem4Nigeria


Very good post I hope things workout for goos through the next government, nice post brother , God bless Nigeria.

Thanks so much for commenting I hope things change for good through the incoming government

Thank God you included corruption ad the number 1 problem Nigeria is facing. Hope you'll impose the laws to fight this when you become he president.
Great article

Yes sir
Imposing of law without partiality is one of the way to end corruption. Thanks

 2 years ago 

Great article from you @kennydavebobo and you said you never look into leadership position before, all this problems you analysed are what the country is facing and you have provide a good solution to it.

Your innovation is good, if all the money embezzled by our leader can be make in use, I bet the country would be better and agriculture is life because we need to start farming and reducing importing of foods.
Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad to hear that ..
Yeah I didn't look into political positions but who knows what the future might bring ??
And thanks for affirming the importance of Agriculture in the country, it's really one of the way forward, it's a very lucrative business that can provide numerous Job opportunities for youths in the country..

 2 years ago 

It is such a pitty to read that the current government is not managing the resources properly, this after I have read in so many previous post that a huge plus for Nigeria is the ample resources.
Mr. President I also hope you can change this.
Good luck for the contest!

I believe I will do my best to manage our resources and channel it for the benefit of all citizens. I stand for all
Thanks for the comments

Unemployment, Insecurity and corruption are problems that so many countries are facing. I think if a country can can be able to solve this Three main problems then they may as well solve other problems with little problem.

You have thought a lot about your country and shared some wonderful ideas with us. I think you deserve this president application if you are indeed given a chance

Thank you for this wonderful comment
I believe with God's help I will do my best to solve these problems

You have written with much clarity about the state of Nigeria as you have properly highlighted the pressing issues like insecurity, unemployment and others.

You have mentioned mismanagement as one of the ways the government has failed us, you've just nailed it. I wish you the best in the contest.

Thanks for the complement
It means a lot to me

 2 years ago 

I am sure that once the resources of the country is properly managed and properly allocated, the citizens will rejoice. You have spotted out the major problems the country is facing and with the solutions you have listed out, I believe it will go well. You are young too, so the country will benefit from your young brain. Thanks for your entry

What a beautiful manifestation dear. Indeed you know the exact problem that we are facing in this country, and if given the chance, you do make great impact. Wish you the best. Below is my link, you make visit it

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