Steem4Nigeria Accelerator Contest Week5- My Life Mistakes and How I Intend to Correct Them.

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)


Every human has made a mistake in life in different stages of life. It might be in childhood or adulthood. I remain @justiceanietie and I'm happy to be part of this contest. I therefore invite @hasimamla, @lhorgic, @goodybest, @crowd1 to be part of this contest.

Without wasting time, let me go straight to the major headings of this great topic: "My Life Mistakes and How I Intend to Correct Them"


• What are the mistakes you think you have made since you were born?


The mistake i have made since i was born, was not giving my full time to learning what can stand the taste of time. Not having a coach who has gone father than you can make you to toil around with the little things you are seeing now and not preparing ahead for greater height.

I believe there is time for everything in this world. If you don't give yourself to learning the basics that can help you as you grow in life, you will find it difficult when you have passed a certain stage of life. I know learning is a continuous process, but it has to play with time to enable you make inform decisions in life early enough.


• Do you think it is your past mistakes that are affecting your growth in life?

There's a saying that as you laid your bed, that is how you lay on it. Past mistakes contributes in affecting our growth in life. For example: If you have not learn a skill that can fetch you money while you were still at your golden stage of life, when that stage has passed and you become old, you can not go back to do those things you where supposed doing while young.

I was travelling while I met an old man of around his 70s doing cyclist at night! When he stopped and asked me where i was going, I had to tell him that I was still waiting for a friend. This is because of his aged and its dark already.

There are things we can do at youthful stage and things we can't do at old aged. If we organized ourselves at our early stage of life, we'll continue having growth in life and certain stress would not exist.


• Do you always blame people or yourself for making mistakes, as no one can be perfect?


Well, we live in the era of shifting blames to other people for failing in life. Once you are growing up, you know what you really want to achieve in life and you should go for it. Many times i have thought in my heart of apportioning blames to my friends for leading me to invest in wrong platforms which we all know that it's the major errant of the day.

But i don't blame anyone for my mistakes in life and sometimes, I learn from them and grow. Some mistakes we make in life are good mistakes because it will teach you of what you should do when faced with such situations in future. But I don't encourage you making mistakes in other to learn from them, rather you learn from those who had passed that stage before in life via reading books to get those history.

We always say that no one is perfect in life, and this is what has kept so many people to shifting blames for their mistakes in life. We all can be perfect if we wish to. Note; this is based on individual's decisions.


• Share some tips for overcoming mistakes, both physically and virtually.

• Mistakes can be overcome when you know the right thing to do and at the right time.

• Don't do the right thing at the wrong time.

• You need someone to mentor you early enough for brighter future.

• Don't try to do what you have not reach the stage of doing based on your capacity.

• Always ask questions of areas in life where you don't have full knowledge about and this will help you out of making mistakes.

• Give your time in reading great books that can change your mindset about life for the better.

• Always analyse and make inform decision before you accept an opinion whether within or from third parties.


This article is centered about my life mistakes and how to come out from it. If you have followed the steps from the beginning to end, you would have gain a lot from this article.

This article has also talk about our different stages of life and how we can put them into good used before old aged comes.

You must have learnt on how to make informed decisions, thereby not shifting blames to anyone.

Thank you very much for reading to the end. I hope you found value?

 last year 
Thank you, @justiceanietie for participating in the contest in the Steem4Nigeria community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

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Thanks for sharing with us your take on this topic. You have presented beautifully. Thanks for the invite too.

However I would love to encourage you to support other via upvote. Yo u CSI is low. #Steem-on

Please how can i increase my CSI?

 last year 

Sorry for the delayed response @justiceanietie. I believe by now you would have been enlightened by someone else but if not... It simple, just keep upvoting quality post made by other users by so doing it increases. Welldone sir.

Thank you very much for your responds.

 last year 

Nice points, sir.
Wish you the best.


 last year 

Oh yes! Some mistakes are good mistakes while majority of them are bad ones. Failing to learn when one is supposed to can have a long term effect on that person. I hope you've corrected your mistake or find a way around it.

Yes, thanks very much for your comment, I do appreciate your time here.

 last year 

Nice post dear.. i love your write-ups.. wishing you best in this contest

Thank you very much.

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