THE DIARY GAME [22-04-2024]: || how I spent my day/signing up two Steemians.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago (edited)


Design with Google snapseed by @jozzie90

Good morning everyone, I believe we all are doing good. Here I'm going to write a diary of how I spent my day promoting steemit to my coursemate and others. I was so thrilled noticing my friends interest in join steemit after introducing to them.

Monday indeed was a very busy day for me though, it was a dayy filled with different activities. All combining to make my day a good day. Though I had some health challenge(material), but though I enjoyed the day despite the challenge as it ended with fullfilment.

All this while, I've been preaching about steemit and it's benefits to most of my coursemate, friends, though some will listen and pretend to be interested when they are not. However, I still found interested friends who have the zeal of making legit income online. I'm always ready to mentor and guide them throughout the registration processes, not just guiding them to register but I do make sure to be the when ever the face some challenges.

Their zeal forced me to create a WhatsApp group where I do present the necessary guides concerning steemit rules, how to use markdown and also encourage them to be consistent. Most of them are actually picking up very fast. 22nd April 2024, that's two days ago was another day I signed two users.

Morning Activities

I woked up very weak and lazy after the stress of the previous day, but though I had no choice than waking and continue with the morning chores as usual. There's one quote my dad always like quoting, it says "you can't escape fate" Meaning no matter what you doing you can avoid what was meant to be done. All the day activities was already scheduled, I had to work to meet up.

I woked up and conduct my ritual as usual, I started with the morning text as usual, it was titled Jehovah, the God of Truth derived from psalm 31:5, it helped enlightened the important of emulating our grand Creator by being honest in all aspect of our life, I ended it with prayer before moving to other routines. I did some common routines faster because I had lectures that morning.

I couldn't eat that due to lost of appetite, though I went to school with some cash so Ill later take some snacks if ill feel like. I was able to finish up everything on time that was about 8am when we had class by 10-12am, I trekked out from my street to find a tricycle that will take me down to school, but it was very scarce so I had to Trek a long distance making me tired before I could find one.

Despite the discomfort and time wasted, I was still able to be in the lecture hall before the lecturer arrived. The lectures was quite interesting and interactive as usual. We where still on database management system.


Like I said the class was interactive and enjoyable, the lecturer himself is good at ICT field that's why he was able to illustrate to our understanding. We started be 10am and we finished by 12pm.

Afternoon/evening Activities

After the lectures we were informed about the ongoing football tournament the was held, I was our faculty Vocational education library and information science against Business management.


It was female match though, but we all were there to clap and encourage our team. Unfortunately we ended up losing the the match with 0:3. Though I heard the full datails later, because I wasn't there till the end. I had a lot doing.

After the lectures and football match, we left the and most of my coursemate clustered in one hall call old business lecture hall (BLH). we find that place calm and comfortable to practice what we were though and also work on our assignment as well.

Before we even had the lecture two of my proposed Steemians then, who are now verified users now, came reminding me that I was to open steemit account for them @spiderjr and @hojoro. Having this in mind I had to schedule and shorten my practical time so I can fully attend to them without any distraction.

I hurried and rounded up everything, I first started with @spiderjr. Before we could start I firstly remind him him the rules and regulations attached to this platform and the important of abiding to them and the consequences of violeting the rules, I also use the opportunity to help him understand what keys and how save them in a secured place and what all the keys stand for and where the can be used.

After the brief highlight, we went on with the signing up process though it was a bit tough due to network and server challenge. But yet we made it after some hours.

IMG_20240422_114732_259~2.jpg picture of me and @spiderjr

He was so happy for the successful registration, do you Know one thing I loved. After the stress he didn't just feel like resting or doing other things but he said he is going to write his Achievement-1 post with immediate effect.



And as we speaks he has been verified by the newcomer Greeter team, @spiderjr has started publishing his content. I'm thrilled, I feel that's the spirit I was actually looking for 🥰.

Finishing with @spiderjr, @hojoro was beside us tapping some hints on how to register. Getting to his turn wasn't that difficult except the network issue we were facing earlier. I got @hojoro signed up successfully. As very important, I also use the opportunity to help him understand what keys and how save them in a secured place and what all the keys stand for and where the can be used as well.

@hojoro was also happy for the successful registration and the opportunity to be one among the steemit users, he wasn't lazy at all even After the stress, he didn't just feel like resting or say atleast I'm done with the registration let me write my achievement 1 the next day but he said he is going to write his Achievement-1 post with immediate effect.

We stood together together and took a photograph with his validation card paper.


As we speaks he has been verified by the newcomer Greeter team, @hojoro and about publishing his first content. I'm thrilled for this🥰.



After the successful registration, @spiderjr and @hojoro was added to My mentorship group for guidance and mentorship.

Did I have to go when I still had some hours before the night comes?, No I waited to help others of my coursemate know about steemit, I think I should call it the gospel of steemit, hahahaha🤣. There's one quote that motivate me to share beneficial information to others it is a quote from a philosopher called mahatma it says I qoute

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Meaning that helping others and sharing my knowledge and ideas can actually be a way to enrich myself and life as well.
Another quote for Kofi Annan.
He said I quote

"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family."

Those quote really emphasised on the importance of sharing good and positive ideas that can be beneficial to others, serious I picked motivated with those quotes. So I decided to make thousands know about steemit, will it be possible?, yes I determined to do so.


I met some of my other friends wemhen I noticed the where free, I started with a polite manner. Hi friends I will be happy if you would join us on Steemit. Stating that it's a fantastic platform that helps in sharing ideas and engaging in meaningful content with people all over the world.

Telling them that we have different community for people who are passionate either in politics, nature down to culture, I'm sure that you are going to find a place to fit in and publish your contribution. Also you can earn with Steemit rewards, you can even earn money for your contributing to others content. The fact that I made them knew that they can make money while engaging with others made it very inviting. Some said I should sign them up which I'm yet to.

It was late already I had to go back home so I can prepare my dinner, I rushed back home. Made a list of what to buy in the market. I actually needed something solid, so I went for soup and Garri.


I actually bought some waterleaves and some necessary ingredients needed for the soup


During the preparation process

After preparing, I came up with a delicious soup which I took for dinner. Thanks very much for your time spent to read my today's diary love you all❤️.

Pics snapped with Tecno spark8c
Taken by @jozzie90
 2 months ago 

Wow what a wonderful contribution you made to the Steemit platform by actually getting to sign them up

 2 months ago 

Thanks very much dear friend.

 2 months ago 

Bruh you may not be the best but you're everyone favorite.💙

Keep it up bruh,it will surely pay👌

 2 months ago 

Hahaha, you always make me blush. Thanks very much dear friend for your encouragement.

Thanks a lot @jozzie90 fr introducing me to this platform

 2 months ago 

You are welcome brother

 2 months ago 

That's why I use to call you my boss...
You're indeed my capacity.
I enjoy reading about how your day went

 2 months ago 

Hahaha 🤣, thanks very much brother.🥰

 2 months ago 

I really appreciate you for your help with the move. I appreciate the time and help you gave to everyone who need them.

My boss🏆

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