God's creatures proves His love and power.

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)


Hello and Good morning to all Steem4nigeria family, I believe we all had a peaceful night rest.
How do you feel when taking a deep view of your surroundings filled with beautiful creatures?.

Seeing the beauty of the world and my surroundings always makes me appreciate and feel grateful for the world around them and our Creator.
We have all right to appreciate our creator and his craftsmanship, do you think of many things he uses to make us live a comfort life e.g Air, the way man was created , man's Intellect over all the creatures, colors and different kinds of food etc.


How God created us and our intelligence over other creatures

Many christians are are christians are familiar with the bible verse that says.

Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth”(Genesis 1:26).

The bible verse demonstrate God's love for man creating us in his image shows the kind of pleasant life he wants us to live.
Imagine if we were created inform of dogs or goats 🐐 (lolz🤣).

Man's Intellect

Obviously, man's Intellectual capacity is incomparable with other living things.

Our intelligence and cognitive abilities allows us to think critically and innovate, solve complex problems and create advanced technologies that solve our problems, all this are derive from our creator.



Colours has many roles to play especially when talking about what makes us feel happy and healthy.



It is true that colours make life sweet, colours adds beauty and joy to our surroundings as proved through observation. They do evoke different emotions and moods us.
Most time I do spend time in the garden walking round and enjoy the view of different plants and their colours, it brings out the feelings of elation in me. I do imagine if everything on earth was white or any other colour, everything would have been so boring.


The colours of the rainbow also beautify the sky, I love seeing the rainbows crossing the sky.




God created different kinds of fruits/food so that we can eat and live healthy.
Combination of different types of food makes use grow, prevent disease, consuming a variety of food helps us obtain all the necessary nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fats in appropriate level.

It provides us with the energy needed for our daily activities and supports our physical and mental daily performances. Just imagine eating one food continuously for like one week, One month, one year, five years. God creating different kinds of foods for us is one of the fact that he wants us to live and enjoy life.

In conclusion

God's creatures reveal His creativity, wisdom, love and care, beauty and power. They serve as evidence to His heavenly nature and provide us with brief look of His character.
The most visible quality of God is Love.

Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love, (1 John 4:8).


CC: @patjewell @goodybest @ubongudofot


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What an AWESOME Heavenly Father we serve!
His creation is AMAZING!

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