Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 50 : My life,My style!

in Steem4Nigeria22 hours ago

Hi family.. How are you doing today? Am sure doing great.. Am fine too. Woahhh..!! Its another week of the Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest and i can't afford to miss out. Today, i will be discussing with you about "My Life And My Styles". Here's is my participation below;



Share with us the most difficult experience you've ever had in life.


We are all completely on different walks of life. Also, we are literally going on different directions, and the one thing that will always tie us down is the familiarity of the struggles, challenges we face in life and the process of reaching our destinations. The hardest thing I ever had to go through was the experience of watching my little late sister passed away in my presence. First, she started by saying that she was feeling weak and was also having a running stomach. Thinking that it was just a mere sickness, we just took her to the pharmacy and bought some drugs for her. She took it and the sickness subdued.

After a week, the same sickness came back and it was time, it was more serious than before. We took her to the hospital and they said that it was "Pneumonia". According to the doctors, they explained to us that is a slowly killing disease and it has eaten her up inside her body. Also, they said they can't commence any treatment on her due to the way it affected her badly.

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To cut the long story short, we took her to many hospitals and clinics and she was rejected. Finally, we were directed to go to UNTH, Enugu. When we got there, she was admitted and soon, it was time for the doctors to examine her. Next, they brought us sad news that she's dead. I cried profusely and was very bittered in heart. Loosing someone, especially your loved ones ain't easy. Indeed, that was the most difficult and painful experience I have ever had in my life.


What do you usually do when you are bored?


Everyone has what they decide to do with their free time. As for me, I have a lot of things I enjoy doing whenever I feel bored or sad. The top most of them all is that I love watching movies when am bored. I enjoy watching movies for variety of reasons. Watching movies when am bored allows me to switch off from the troubles and problems of life. It also brings and transports my mind to another life reality. In fact, watching movies has also become my hobby. Its a passion that has tend to enrich my life in countless ways. I love watching movies when am bored because it allows me to explore diverse stories, perspectives, connect with my emotions, feelings, and escape from the stress of everyday life.

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What color best describes your personality and why?


Blue has tend to be my favorite color right from when I was tender till now. Blue represents royalty. It is one of the most popular choice of colors among all colors. Blue represent a deep need for personal inner peace and truth. It also signifies peace, harmony, reliability, etc. Blue represent my life in many different ways. If blue was to be compared to my personality, it actually defines me because am very compassionate, caring, enthusiastic, peaceful, sincere, sympathetic, and reliable. Am always considerate with the way I treat people and think of others.



Do you enjoy life now or you'd prefer life when you were much younger?


In my decision, I will say that I prefer my life now than when I was younger. I believe that we should enjoy our life everyday as a youth or teenager. Now, I can make decisions for myself, set my goals, achievements, expectations, etc. Also, I believe that we get to enjoy our life more better now than when we were younger because as we grow we become independent, look for new possibilities, explore the world, living a free life, etc.

I can remember vividly when I was little, I had no friends nor people to socialize with due to the way I was controlled by my parents. But now am fully grown up, I must testify that I have the opportunity to decide who comes into my life and the kind of people I socialize with. I can make my own genuine friends and decides the kind of people that stays around me.

Thank you all for reading, it's my pleasure. With my write ups above, am pretty sure that you've known a little about my lifestyle. Thanks to everyone for the support and I use this medium to invite my wonderful friends @adachukwu @ahmneska @caringmanasseh to join the contest.


You have written well sis i will surely participate and please reply me with the kind of markdown you use on this post please

 15 hours ago 

Okay dear.. Just click on the markdowns and download it to your gallery, that's all


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