Quick Tip: 10 Soft Skill to Accelerate Your Steemit Career and Others

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Hello Steemians


Greetings to you my lovely Steemian and welcome to this post. Indeed I am glad to see you around here. Friend, we all know that learning is one of the thing that can never stop in our life and the best way that we can learn without paying for it is by learning from one another such as colleagues, friends, reading, by putting into practice and many more.

The society we are living in today, always see those that are holding position to always go in the right direction (I.e acting without making mistake) forgetting that they're also human-being. Also a lot of people that are holding position in our society both online and offline often see theyself as the best ever nor someone that cannot make a mistake infact such people think they contribution is always the best whereas, some work against they fellow.

However, friend looking at the titled of this post, I make used of the word accelerate because is a word that tell us how to move faster with one another. (I.e moving in progression, carry everyone along). So friend, having said that let's take a quick looks at 10 soft Skill that can accelerate your Steemit career and other areas of your life.

10 Soft Skill to Accelerate Your Steemit Career and Others


Friend, as a content writer in Steemit platform or in any place that you find yourself working in order for you to accelerate your career my dear friend your communication with one another needs to be as follows;

  • You need to listen without interruption
  • When you're to speak, let it be in positive tone
  • Pay attention to other people view or body language



Friend persuasion is simply the way of addressing and issues, arguments and many more that may lead to conflicts. Do you know that if you are good in in this aspect of life you can easily convince someone to a certain point of view without having any conflict.

Now in order for you to be a good persuater and grow your Steemit career and others you need to understand and follow these three things below👇.

  • Indentify what other people care about or want.
  • Create a stories that resonate with what the people care about.
  • Communicate your stories with bravity and emotions to them.


For peace to rein and for people to come to and understanding there most be a negotiations among them. In order for you to negotiate with trouble maker in your place of work or life you need to apply the three wisdoms below.👇

  • Listen and pay attention carefully.
  • Understand what the other side nor person want.
  • Know your value,then propose solutions that benefits both parties.

#Relationship Building:

Relationship building is the act of helping others to grow. Relationship building has to do with supporting everyone that is under your controlled to grow and that of your team and I must say that is Steemit plaform there are two good relationship building that interest me so much which are;

So friend, in life relationship building is very important and in order for you to be a better person in this area of life the three points below is what you should first consider.

  • Help others to grow unconditionally
  • Look for common interests
  • Always add values to people life, before thinking or asking for something in return.



Friend, empathy means having understanding to what other people are feeling and as a Steemian or worker it's always good to show concern about other people. In order for we to accelerate our career in life more better we must consider other people interest which is the reason why most businesses usually said customers are always right.

So friend, having saying that which is above, I will roundoff empathy as something that we must apply in our life to have a progress in our Steemit career or other career that you are into.

  • Show genuine interest in other people.
  • Look at things from other people prospective
  • Never you try to judge, instead always be supportive and be generous with your time.

#Positive Attitude:


To accelerate our life better in whatever we are doing we need to develop a positive attitude and delete any form of negative attitude by following the three tips below.

  • Never you gossip and complain much.
  • Criticize what is bad sparingly
  • Always speak well of others.

#Team Work


This is the best thing that we can ever do to ourselves working as a team is one of the best way that an organization can grow faster. Remember the saying, two good heads are better than one. As a team worker, you should learn how to apply the following:

  • Avoid taking all the credit (glory).
  • Celebrate other people wins.
  • Praise your teammates publicly and generously.

#Conflict Resolution:


This is very important to our life and career growth. A Steemian or worker in your organization if you want to accelerate you show learn how to maintain the these three things.

  • Avoid any argument and accusations
  • Learn how to focus on solution over problems.
  • learn how to apologise unconditionally when it's your fault.

#Emotional Intelligence:


In order to grow rapidly never you let your emotions ruin your life. Friend, you need to be aware of the following.

  • Never you act impulsively
  • Try to take a step back whenever you are upset, and understand your feelings
  • Try to understand the consequences of your action first before acting.

#Work Ethics:

Work ethics-1.png

Always works according to what the company is required of you. Don't works against the rules and regulations that is outside the organization that you are working for. I believe as a Steemian we have done something about ethics in achievement3 tasks that was co-guilded by @cryptokannon.

For the newbies if you haven't it's advisable that you quickly do your Achievement3 task so you can know what is needed and what's not needed in this great Platform Steemit. However, to accelerate your career my dear friend you need to understand the following.

  • Take responsibility of your work very serious
  • Always show up and deliver on time.
  • Always be committed and don't put blame on others.

Friend I can't just say 10 things that can help you and I accelerate our career both in Steemit and other areas of life without mentioning and discussing about Time management.


Friend, I must tell you that time management is very important in our life. And when it has to do with time management you should learn how delegate, prorizitze and learn how to say no for somethings that aren't worthy enough.

Having said, all what you have read above, friend i believe that you have learn something from it. Thank you so much for stopping by.....

10% Goes to @steem4nigeria
 2 years ago 

Every single skill mentioned above is definitely needed for a successful outing on steemit and thank you for sharing with us.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your time here.

 2 years ago 

Anytime my guy!

 2 years ago 

So long as steemit is a social media platform, members need these soft skills to survive. Communication is very important, persuasion is the key. Your style of writing need to be persuasive. As well as all others. Thanks for this tutorial.

 2 years ago 

You have said it all ma. Thank you for the good works you have been doing and for stopping by am grateful.

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Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

Thanks for this wonderful article, it's worth the reading.

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend for stopping by am grateful.

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for supporting my post an grateful.

 2 years ago 

Congratulations your post has been selected as best pick by The Efficient Seven

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much I am very grateful for finding my post worthy enough to be supported by your team. Thank so much for the support.

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