SEC15 WK1: "Life on Social Media"

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago


Hello friends of steem4Nigeria community, it is my pleasure to be amongst us again. The engagement challenge for this week is highly commendable as it bothers our every day life on social media.

Having been on social media for more than 10 years, I have seen some positive and negative effects of social media in the lives of people. I have seen popular celebrities who were shot dead because they posted their location online and I have also seen people get helped because they posted their situation online too. It is a two way thing, but we always have to ask ourselves..How much of myself have I put out online?...Is there any information people don't have about my daily life?.

And the most important question would be; can bad actors used the information on the online space to harm me?
Stay glued on this post to see how your questions can be effectively answered.

Do you support that our daily lives should be put up on social media all the time?

It is no surprise why people who have risen to a certain level in life keep some information about their personal and daily lives away from the social media space. When it comes to what we give out, there must always be a balance. I do not support that our daily lives should be put up on social media and these are my reasons:


  1. It isn't safe: Being conscious in our safety and security is very important. When we give out every information of our whereabouts, locations and our next steps, both good and bad people see this information and can use it against us. A certain big rapper who died some years back was killed just because he disclosed the location of the restaurant he was. The next thing was that, some thugs shot him dead. How did they know where he was at the moment...SOCIAL MEDIA.

  2. Cyber bullying; A lot of cyber bullying occurs when we give out too much information about our private life to people. People can use the names of people we love to bully us and in turn taking a whole lot from us. I read where someone was scammed because of the name of her daughter. The scammer used her daughter's name to take a whole lot of money from her.

  3. No Privacy: The moment we start giving out a lot of information about our life to people, we do not live a healthy life anymore. Because people get to know every detail about where we go to, and what we want to do and even when we want to do them.

Have you ever experienced or seen any case where a person has the habit of showcasing his life on social media and the effects turned out well?

For every negative, there is always a positive story out there. But we always need to strike a balance in what we give out on the social media space. I have also seen people who give out details of everything happening with them and they got helped. A lot of scenarios has happened and sometimes it could be enticing to do same. But in the long run, just as there are good People on social media, there are also bad people and we should be careful on the type of information we put out there.

Do you think all the showcase on social media are true?


Everything on social media isn't true. A lot of People live fake lives on social media. Some people use the influence they have to deceive people. I saw a case of an influencer who used his affluence to deceive people that he had a charity organisation, so people started donating money to him and he left with people's money.
This happens daily on the social media space and it is most times very improper.

People live fake lives too by acting like they are rich when they are not...they use the phrase 'fake it till you make it' to deceive people. Be mindful of what you allow into your social media space.

Do you feel safe on steemit with your information? What can you say about steemit

Every social media isn't safe to give out a lot of information. Steemit is also a social media platform and though we have diary games, it is not an avenue to give out every detail of our life. We can always know the kind of information we give out on the Steemit space.

Every Social media platform is open to both good and bad actors, we can be helped by the good people or be harmed by the bad people. All in all let's be mindful of the type of information we give out on the social media space.

Thank you for going through my post.
I invite @davidmarkgeorge and @godswillokon to participate in this contest.



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Sharing too much on social media can be risky. It's like a double-edged sword, it can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. Revealing too many details about your life might lead to safety issues, cyberbullying, and loss of privacy. This is why It's important to find a balance between sharing and keeping things private to stay safe and maintain a healthy online presence.
Thanks for inspiring me with your post, wishing your success on your entry.


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Curated by : @radjasalman

Social media is full of cyber bullying throwing of insult, which it wouldn't be nice for we to be sharing our personal lives daily on it. Good post from you sir.

 7 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

En las redes sociales no hay privacidad y, si tomamos la decisión de exponer nuestra vida en este nicho, automáticamente la vamos a perder por lo que, debemos marcar límites y de esta manera, se podrá evitar vivir momentos incómodos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

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