SEC S15W4: "Broken Trust"

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

Hello friends

What do you think the word trust means?


Trust means having confidence in or reliance on someone for something. If you have trust for someone you will have confidence in that person, be safe around that person because you trust in that person and feel safe.

Trust is what thing people feel safe in wherever they are. If you visit your friend whom you trust so much you will not be afraid to eat whatever he/she offers to you and feel relaxed with the person.

Presently in your country, do the citizens feel safe to trust one another? If not why? And if yes why?

In Nigeria due to how things are doing Nigerians do not feel safe to trust one another because of how bad things are going in the country. The person whom you trust and think you are safe with him/her is the person that will harm you.

The reason why the citizens don't feel safe to trust one another is that bad things (evil things) are happening a lot in Nigeria and across the world.

Telling someone your secret or plan simply because you trust that person, he or can use it against you. A lot of citizens have lost their trust in one another in Nigeria.

Have you had any experience where your trust in someone was broken? Or such a scenario from a Friend?

Yes, I have an experience where my trust in someone was broken. It was a guy that I trust. Looking at how gently I saw him, I felt he loved me so much that I trusted in him that he wasn't a cheater.

I trusted this guy based on his gentleness character as someone who couldn't cheat, which to my greatest surprise he was caught cheating with another lady whose girlfriend couldn't withstand his cheating and lie then walking away and forgetting about him. I think this is the reason girls used to say men can't be trusted.

Can you suggest ways to mend broken trust?


Well, changing the character of a person is usually difficult except God has arrested that person no matter how you try to be good to someone who isn't good to you, you may find it difficult to trust that person.

Having said that my suggestions to mend broken trust are;

  • Praying to God for quick healing and change in character

  • Counsel the person whom you feel you don't trust or don't trust you.

  • Move on if the person you trust isn't worth it.

  • Be who you are for good.

I am inviting my friends; @dave-hanny, @woka-happiness, and @vickyson to also join me.

 5 months ago 

Hello @jasminemary,

Thank you for sharing your insights on trust and its complexities, especially in the context of Nigeria. Your personal experience highlights how trust can be shattered, causing significant emotional pain. Your suggestions for mending broken trust, including prayer, counseling, and self-preservation, are practical and valuable. May we all find healing and learn to rebuild trust wisely.

Thank you, friend!
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I understand how a broken trust can be deeply hurtful especially when it comes from someone you thought was genuine. Your suggestions on mending trust, such as praying for healing and counseling show resilience. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights on this important topic.

The reason why the citizens don't feel safe to trust one another is that bad things (evil things) are happening a lot in Nigeria and across the world.

My dear things are happening too much in our country.

Trust, well as for men if it is in the area of cheat I don't think if there is any man on on this planet that doesn't cheat. Cheating is part of them so trusting men on that area will end up of you having a broken trust.

Success to you dear.


Nowadays having trust on people is very difficult including on our close relationships. Broken trust is vare painful. You have beautifuly explained the ways of mending broken trust. Nice post, wishing you many success.

 5 months ago 

Your reflection on trust is insightful and addresses the challenges faced in trusting others especially in the current societal context. Your personal experience adds depth to your perspective making it relatable. The suggestions to mend broken trust particularly emphasizing prayer and counseling, show a thoughtful and considerate approach. Well-expressed thoughts

 5 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.When we trust someone, other people take advantage of us and break that trust. Due to these wrong human activities, people are losing trust in each other. This is happening not only in your country but everywhere.
I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful.

Thanks for enjoying my post.

Indeed trust is confidence had for someone. Boss, you had written well. Congratulations.

I enjoyed going through your post. You have written beautifully.

It's so bad that the people we think can never hurt us, sometimes hurt us the most.

Truly, only God can change ones character.
I wish you all the best.

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