The diary game 13/03/2024// Stressful but successful Wednesday

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago


God evening everyone 🥰
Trust you all had am amazing day
Mine was stressful, but I'm happy that it's was a successful day (productive)

Come along let me tell you about my day 🤩


in the morning

I wake early today by 7:30am
Cause of school
Doing normal routine such as praying, sweeping and watching plates.
When that was done, I wash my dirty clothes. After washing I bathe, brush my teeth and get prepared for school.


on my way to school

By 11:30 I left the house

Taking a long walk to the main road in search of Keke, I was late already so I couldn't have my breakfast 🥺 (I had to leave with empty stomach)
Okay, I stopped the first driver and he said two hundred naira (#200 naira) I price him one hundred and fifty naira (#150 naira) he shake his head in disagreement and drove away.

I stood for few minutes before I saw another Keke, the driver said the same price 🤦 seems like all the Keke drivers went into meetings 🥺
This time I didn't price cause time was no longer on my side, I jumped inside and he drove off.


In school

Finally I reach the school, I walked inside the school which happen to be a long walk 🤦
My legs were already feeling it (pains)
I went to the school library to meet my friend but she wasn't there, I called her and her phone was off. We were supposed to go to the department office together to get our school files. I waited for her but didn't see her, hunger started saying "hi " to me 🥺

I couldn't wait for her again, I had to go to the office allow.


Finally got my file

I went in I greeted everyone in the office, I spoke wait the woman in charge of the files. She showed me a lots of files I had to go through to see mine.

It wasn't easy 🤦
The files were too much, I had to check all the six bundles of files and guess what, my file was in the sixth bundle of files 😟
The stress of going through all the files was too much and my hands were paining me already.

So happy I finally saw it that means I don't have to go back to school the next (saving my transport money 🥰).
The files were stamped and all necessary things were done. I took the files great the woman and walk out of the office.
Back to the library to check if I will still see my friend but she wasn't there.


on my way back home

After waiting for long still I didn't see her, I had to start going cause was feeling very hungry.

On my way out from school gate, I saw a woman hawking water, my dear brothers, sisters and friends "I say make I buy am hold body small o make hunger no finish me for school". Lolz
The water was very chill, after I finished drinking the water I feel strong a little bit.


To my boss studio

Tired and hungry me, I went to my boss studio cause it's been long I went there and I was having in mind to buy food there and eat then rest small before going back home.

To my greatest surprised, the food finished before I got there 🤦

My boss had to send for shawarma for me since I told him was craving for it and I want to eat it. He sent one of his apprentices to get it for us at Ikot Ekpene road.

I couldn't capture the shawarma cause my phone went off.
But the shawarma was so yummy 😋
I enjoyed it.


Later, the light came up and I borrowed charger to power my phone.

By 6pm in the evening
I start packing my things to go back home.
My boss help me and trim my brows, it's was so nice of him and he did excellent work with the triming. You can tell that from the picture.

My boss walk me down to the main road where I enter Keke back home.

It's was a successful (productive) day for me with a little touch of stress.

I prepared rice (native rice) for supper


Yummy 😋

Thank you for visiting my blog ❤️



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your stressful day was due to your lack of food for the morning, since an empty stomach weakens our mind and body. You also didn't have much luck when searching for the files; It usually happens that when we look for something it is found at the end of everything, lengthening the work.

 4 months ago 

You are right dear
Finding the was wasn't easy at all.
I wish I had food in the morning before leaving 🤦
Thank you for stopping by 🤝

 4 months ago 

The brow is so fine😅
It's was indeed a stressful and productive day 😊 at least you achieved alot as planned.
Nice diary game I'm glad I read it

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