Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 33: Mother's Love; a time to celebrate and cherish

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago (edited)

My entry

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In your understanding, who is considered a mother, and what are the duties of a mother?

In my own understanding; I can say a mother is a lady also known as female parent who give birth and takes care of the child which is the process of nurturing and build a good home for the children/family.

It's one thing to give birth, it's a another thing to nurtures the baby (child).

Duties of a mother isn't an easy duty cause she's plays both wife and mother duties.

Here are few duties of a mother

  • Takes care of the Family/Children:
    It is the duty of the mother to take care of the family and nurture her child (breast feed). knows what the child needs and how to meet the them. Train the child from birth like how to sit, crawl and walking, including speaking.

  • Cook for the family/child:
    Food is important to the body, hence it's the duty of the mother to cook for the family. (World's best chef)

Others duties of a mother also includes;

  • manager for the family

  • Being a teacher for her children

  • Household nurse

  • Financial controller

  • Create a clean home

What are some of the sacrifices that mothers make for their children?

Mothers make a lots of sacrifices for their children.

There are mothers who remain in marriage because of their children, so that they can receive discipline/training from both parents.

Mothers also sacrifices their time/attention in taking good care of the children and paying attention to them. Having a good communication with them.

A mother also sacrifice her sleep, she put us (the children) first

A mother is there in sickness and in health.

A mother sacrifice her food

A mother sacrifice her money

A mother sacrifice her career.

How does a mother's love shape a person's character and development?

A mother's love plays a crucial role in shaping a child's life.

It is the foundation on which a child builds their sense of self worth, confidence, and emotional security.

A mother's love provides children with the support they need to explore their world and develop strong relationships

Mother's love helps them builds and develop self esteem and confidence
including security.

How can we celebrate and show appreciation for our mothers and their love?

There are many ways to celebrate and show appreciation for out mothers and their love, these includes;


Gifts shows appreciation, getting gifts for your mother shows that you celebrate her for everything she did. Too back many people never give a gift to their mother before.


In all you days on earth respect her, it's your duty to do that. Show mothers full maximum of respect cause it's wasn't easy, there were days she felt like giving up but for the love she had for you keep her going (strong). They deserve our respect.

Quality time/attention:

Mothers have a lot of stories and advice to give, you have to spend quality time with them and not neglect them for any reason.

Acknowledge their sacrifice:

In the world full of ungrateful people, they feel their mother was just doing her work (what she was supposed to do) forgetting that there were many who ran away and abandon their children but she stood with you and you can't acknowledge her sacrifice, that will be very bad of you.

By acknowledging their sacrifice we show them that their sacrifice wasn't in fail, this gives them no strength and joy to keep doing more.

In conclusion mother's are special gift to us and we must learn to treat them well, for all the love they shower on us and all the sacrifice they make.
We should always make our mothers proud and not make them shed tears.

I invite @mybest, @ekemini01 and @emmaboy23 to join the contest

Thank you for visiting my blog ❤️


 4 months ago 

Mother's really deserve to be celebrated because there are so self sacrificing 🤭😉and will to give anything to the betterment of their homes...
Kudos to all mother's out there

 4 months ago 

Nice, you've clearly noted all that a mother is. If we want to appreciate our mothers we have to respect and love them. That's the first thing, others will always follow .

Best wishes in the contest.

 4 months ago 

Nice, you've clearly noted all that a mother is. If we want to appreciate our mothers we have to respect and love them. That's the first thing, others will always follow .

Best wishes in the contest.

 4 months ago 

Mothers are really powerful being and are suppose to be appreciated.

 4 months ago 

You are very right dear 🤝

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