in Steem4Nigeria26 days ago (edited)

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Hello and good day great people of this great community in this platform,I am joyed enough today and would love sharing some facts here with you all today. In this article I would be talking mainly and only about the countryNIGERIA. I plead for your patience on this article beacuse there are so much to learn and so many things to know more about . Starting from the government to the way of development to how good the country have been and also the citizens in the country.



Nigeria is a blessed country in west africa known for its high mineral resources round they world and also inhabitated by mostly black people. Nigeria years back in history was colonized by the British governments in 1884 and after a long while of suffering under the British government Nigeria as a country full of great and powerful people was able to gain independence back in 1960. Nigeria after so many challenges a d setbacks in leadership the country went on to use the democratic rule and had its first president as Sir Nnamdi Benjamin Azikiwe but had Sir Sheh Shagari as the first person to be well elected from democracy. So far so good through the ups and downs Nigeria has gotten so many presidents since then who has been leading well in their very best way for development of the country.



Last year being 2023 an election was held in the country and there were up to 4 participants for the presidency which after the results were out Mr President Bola Ahmed Tinubu who is the 16 president of Nigeria since history and the formal Governor of Lagos state was the chosen winner and was made president and also sworn into the position. The president of Nigeria being His excellence Bola Ahmed Tinubu have been actively making his best attempts in helping the economy of Nigeria. On his first speech he promised the country so many things which some are now in action and some are still yet to see .He lifted bans and allocations that guided costs of things and that of the petroleum aspect which raised the price too high within a day and also causing scarcity of fuel. In that same way he chose amongst all kashim shettima as his voice while he is president. Mr President also brought to power so many people he wanted to work with to power holding different offices and posts and also hope and demand for their efficiency in their various offices to avoid setbacks in his rule.


Pushing through the previous presidency of Mr Mohamed Buharia and the present of His excellence Ahmed Bola Tinubu Nigerians have been in more struggle, suffering, insecurity and high inflation due to the poor and bad leading strategy.
Talking about going backwards unlike the far back presidency tenure nigerians have had a whole lot of setbacks in different aspects and so much more hardship on citizens. Inflation made costs of things really high and not controlled making it difficult even to afford for food let alone for many people. Nigerians as a very hard working country also didn't relent and let hunger kill us, everyone now has a very means of survival doing the most things at its peak to survive and eat too also providing for the family and young ones too.I wouldn't leave out the aspect of so many youth's due to depression and hunger going into bad practices in the society such as stealing and so many other behavior and illegal acts.



Each and every citizen of Nigeria who have love for the country and value it's intergity do their best in supporting good acts by the government and also aiding to get rid of corruption in his or her environment. Citizens pray for a better tomorrow and a more peaceful country where there would be less hardship, employment and so many good opportunity for everyone. A country where anyone could comfortably chase his or her dream and become useful in the society as well.A country where there is peace love and forwardness . A country where human rights are valued and justice being upholded.A country of attraction to forigen investors too.


I know that this country has so many nice and loving citizens who are hard working and are ready to uplift the nation together.I appreciate your time here thank you so much I would love to write again after this


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