Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 49 : Personality Types

Greetings to you all friends
I am @ibraheem75
I welcome you all to my blog
And I am happy to participate on this wonderful contest titled:"Personality Types" in this great community.

(Me and my Canary friend)[]

✅Who is an introvert, extrovert and Ambivert?

These personality types defines how an individual interact with people around and how faster they are able to relate with people around in the community.

  • Introvert: An introvert is someone who is more reserved or a quiet type, prefering to be always alone or associating with very few individuals in the community and they hardly make lot of friends.
  • Extrovert:(talkative) is someone who is more socialised, and has lot of energy in them, they can relate with people without barriers, you can't feel bored around them, this set of persons tend to make noise alot, one of my best friend is a great example of an extrovert... sometimes I do called him "Canary" 😎.
  • Ambivert: Ambivert is someone who falls in between the introvert and extrovert, he's either introvert or extrovert depending on the circumstances surround them or issues arise.

✅Which personality type from the above do you belong? Mention 5 characteristics of someone that belongs to your personality type

I am an introvert!!!
Because I don't like talking too much, I enjoy staying or living alone I cherish that so much, zero disturbances is my nature.
As such the 5 characteristics of someone that belongs to my personality is as follows:

  1. We enjoyed staying alone prefering to be drawing, reading or Writing.


  1. If we talk for a long period of time I personally will lack what to say again.

  2. We often feel very uncomfortable in a large social gatherings or meetings very reserved I hardly answer questions in class as well.

  3. Ability to write a lot than talking because it hinder us (me in particular to express my self).

  4. We prefer to always listen when talkative are talking if possible we'll not respond or contribute to what they are discussing.

✅Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert by nature or it's a learned personality?

I am an introvert by nature.
I don't know if it's hereditary or it can be inherit coz my father exhibit same characteristics. He's a very quiet type and very shy person as well.
So me in particular I don't like to be disturbed by anyone and often serious with life challenges or situations around and luckily one of my friend is an introvert like me,we can stay an hour without pim.....

✅What life experiences do you have being an introvert, extrovert or ambivert ?


As an introvert I face so many life challenges but few of them are:

  • I feel very anxious over small issues and I am very much curious over little issues
  • I often prefer to listen before talking and that kills me a lot I've been well cheated concerning that😭
  • Having only fews friends around
  • Feeling of not belong to the part social being as if I'm a different creature compared to other people.

And lastly I often see reading and writing as my only close friend which affects my behavior with other people I can stay indoors from morning till night 😉.

Note: These experiences can vary depending on the circumstances surround them by both introvert extrovert and Ambivert there's possibilities that might trigger their changes in behaviors and actions so there's complexity among them.

On this note I would like to thank you all for reading through my post and your amazing support.

         💛💛💛Thank You💛💛💛

My invites

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