Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 45: Marriage and its Environs.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago




Marriage is one of the most important aspects of human life. It is however instituted by God for companionship and procreation.

Marriage is not something that an individual would wake up all of a Sudden and involve himself into..... It requires process, maturity And sense of responsibilities.

It's not something that a person can say let me try it and see...whether is sweeter or bitter..... It is lifetime opportunity whether in Joy or sufferings they stick together as couples.(No retreat or surrender) That is the ultimate goal of marriage....For better for worse. But in our contemporary society today reverse is the case.

Therefore marriage is defined as the legal union between a Man and a woman to be joined together as husband and a wife.
Note: is not between a boy and a girl is for mature people who are ready and willing to stick together against all odds.

What do you think makes a marriage successful?



Trust, Love and understanding

Trust is one of the major key to any successful marriage, when there's not trust the marriage certainly become networking systems. It becomes secret cult.

A successful marriage must learn to practice trust, good confidence towards one another helps to build the marriage stronger against every barrier that might tend to put asunder to the marriage.

Trust should be an ultimate goal in the marriage where even if a husband or wife traveled out there should be confidence whereby one would not be doubting of each others whereabouts. Even if she's/he's late outside there should be trust. Thence, makes the marriage more successful.

Love simply means having strong feelings or affections towards somebody. When there's love everything works well, The feelings must be mutual, thereby build the marriage stronger and becomes very very successful.

Another important aspects is understanding, which there should be agreement and tolerance by both partners. however,two cannot work together unless there's an agreement and understanding with both partners.
There should be this wise saying "what's good for Mr A should be or likely be good to Mr B".
Therefore, Trust, Love and Understanding should be the key priority to any successful marriage.

How can couples improve communication in their marriage?

Couples can improve on communication by practicing basic concepts in communication for their marriage..By always checking up on each other's despite the busy schedules.
There should not be I'm busy or I'm too busy, nope.....Just a simple text messages would not kill or simple "hello honey" I just called to check up on you.... will not harm you as a man or the woman.

There should be an understanding should not be the only one calling and texting no.... it should be 50/50 or 60/40,
That is how to practice it and it will go along way if they give it a trials.
Somebody like me am so happy if I see my girlfriend name on my phone Calling or even flashing me (E de sweet my belle).
Must marriage failed today because of lack of communication.

We have so much availability of phones today in our generation please.... utilize the opportunity don't let your marriage crashed because of simple call or text messages.

Discuss the importance of trust in a marriage.

There are so many importance of trust in a marriage which are as follows:



1 It creates bond: It creates that mutual affection towards one another, it binds the husband and the wife together and makes them live as one body.

2 Another importance is that It gives couples avenue to interact with one another without any deficit.

3 Lastly to the best of my ability is that trust builds honesty between the couples in their marriage, there would be total sincerity among the couples and zero hidden secrets.

How do couples navigate conflicts in a healthy way?


Surely every marriage has it ups and downs even the most powerful Minister's of God and the Imans has their challenges in marriage but every family or couples has a techniques in solving their marital conflicts.

It could be primarily or secondary methods, depends on the issues arise and the intended outcomes.

Primarily where the conflicts can be settle internally by themselves or involving some key extended relations...While secondarily, by going for a guidance and counseling I.e people who are specialized in settling marital conflicts by doing so it will help to revive their marriage.

Do you consider distance between spouses and cultural differences a problem in marriage? Why?

Not at all, distance between spouses and cultural differences is never a problem in terms of marital status or between couples.

Why because before embarking on marital journey there must be an understanding,love and trust for one another and you must have studied each other's religion, ethnicity and come to the conclusion if you will be capable of handling each other's cultural lifestyles.
So I think is not a problem at all.

Thank you steemians for reading through my post!!! I love, love you all...................

Therefore, I want to use this medium to invite this great steemians @simonnwigwe @jovita30 @ninapenda @owulama to participate on this great and wonderful contest.

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