The Diary Game | 10/05/2022

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago


I extend warm greetings to everyone in the community today and the entire Steemit and I hope you all are doing great. It's another great time to drop my diary with you as I take you on a ride on how the day went here, from the indoor activities to the other ones I performed outdoor and I bet you'd have a great time reading through my article today. Let's get into it.

The Diary Game- Indoor activities and the Market Experience

It's a bright new day and it's quite sunny early today, this type of weather is very common here these days, it's been sometime since we experienced rainfall. I tidied up the room and other parts of the house while I got ready for the day, and of course, I had my breakfast before I began engaging in the activities for the day.

After I had taken care of a few things in the house and my stomach, lol, I began studying the crypto market and I realized the bear season is on us. Later, I switched to my Photoshop tool while I work around trying out new things on it to enhance my skills in handling the tool.

It was 11 am when I checked on the contest organized in the Steem Venezuela community which is based on our experience with the diary game. I found this piece very interesting and I started writing a few things about it. The contest took me back to a memory of how the journey started on Steemit. When it was around 3 pm, I was able to come up with a detailed contest entry about my experience with the diary game on Steemit, you can take a peep at it through the highlighted link.

After publishing my article, I spent about an hour and a half interacting with other articles, and also responding to some of the replies I had earlier. At 5 pm, I stepped out to visit the local market to get a few things, I had to trek about 2.3 kilometers before boarding a bus to the location and I had a selfie on the way.

First Selfie of the Day | Location

I got to the market and explored it to locate a few things I needed, it was a very clumsy day in the local market, crowded so much that one had to squeeze himself/herself to even walk pass other market people. I branched at a beef stand and a smoked fish place. Let's take a look at the pictures below.

Meat and Fish pictures at the Market | Location

The meat that I acquired cost 2,000 NGN equivalent to 8.7 STEEM (price at that time) and the smoked fish of 1,000 NGN 4.4 STEEM. I also have the plan to buy yam flour to make the local delicacy known as Amala for dinner.

Dried yam | Location

The process of making yam flour starts from peeling yams, washing them in clean water, parboil, drying, and taking them to the mill. The picture above shows the image of a yam that has reached the drying stage but is not yet milled.

Traders in the market sell this for consumers that would love to have it in that form and take it to mill themselves. Instead, I opted for a milled one (complete yam flour) as such I bought 1kg of it cost 1,100 NGN equivalent to 4.8 STEEM (price at that time), I also bought melon and fluted pumpkin before leaving the market. Take a look at the yam flour below.

Yam flour | Location

It was almost 7 pm when I got home, I didn't waste much time and entered the kitchen. I washed the meat and fish bought and have the meat cooked, prepared the melon soup with the fluted pumpkin (meat and fish added).

I made the Amala from the yam flower, it's basically by placing water on the stove to hit the boiling point, the flour is poured into it, stirred till it's firm and leave it to get some heat for about 5mins to be well cooked. I had dinner after that. See my dinner below.

Dinner | Location

After my dinner, I navigated my browser to Steemit and started engaging with some articles and responding to the replies to my article that was published earlier. It was 11 pm when I dropped my phone and called it a day.


In conclusion, I have taken you on a ride about how I spent my day from my studying to participating in a contest and my experience at the local market, and the output of the things I got in the market, lol. I hope you had a great time reading through my article today and I hope to see you in subsequent ones. Thanks for hanging on this long.

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This is wonderful


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