Battle between two fitness Lords

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago


The next morning, Xia woke up with, she noticed something, she wasn't wearing the clothes she wore yesterday, why was she in a hotel on a bed and, coincidentally Sihan came out from the shower wearing a bathrobe.

She screamed, "What happened?, what did you do to me, last I remember I was with Chen Mo" She shouted

"You snuck away from work to see other men huh, and why not ask yourself what you did to me last night" Sihan replied to Xia

Xia tried hard to remember, then she remembered that she actually kissed Sihan before she fell asleep, she was so shy she covered her face.

Sihan smirked "A room attendant changed your cloths, in pretty sure you didn't think I did that right" He said

Later she called Chen Mo "Hello Mo're, how did you go yesterday" She asked

"Xia we need to talk, you've been hiding so many things from me, you're working for my rival in business, knowing fully well I want to bring him down" Mo're replied

"Alright, I'll come to your gym after work" She replied and hung up the call to get back to work.

After working she left immediately to meet Mo're, Sihan was looking for her, he wanted to treat her to dinner, until he was told that she had already left.

Xia got to Mo're gym to see him, she went to his office and saw he was closing already, "Let's take a stroll then" she asked and they went down the road that leads to Mo's house.

"You can start explaining to me what's going on"
Mo asked her

"Look, I just took this job to help my mum, cure her Illness, I won't work there for a long time" Xia tried

"if you needed money you could have come to me, and yet again he called you his girlfriend" Mo're pointed out

Xia didn't know what to respond, they had already gotten to Mo's home, so they entered inside and she sat down while Mo're went to freshen up.

Soon Mo're came out with few bottles of liquor, Xia didn't want to drink because she knew she'll get drunk, she took her bag and wanted to leave.

"Going so soon" He asked

"Yes, I have to head back, I didn't tell him before leaving" Xia replied

"Is he really your boyfriend?" Mo asked her

Xia Did know what to say, "I don't know, maybe!" Xia Said and quickly left the house.

See you in the next part


 5 months ago 

Nice story keep it up my dear friend @fortwis09


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