in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

Copy of Steemit Engagement Challenge S7W4 Your Favorite Place To Visit (2).jpg
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Hello, Friends of Steemians, all of whom I respect and am proud of, I hope you are all in good health and can participate in this 4th Week theme. Happy to read the Steemit engagement challenge theme in Week 4, the theme of trust is a theme that we will discuss and hear from many users. May we all be lucky and have fun here, here is the content of my participation.

Changes in the era that occur make the lifestyle and habits of human life order shifted, social relations change by themselves to follow the Times, and competition in all sectors makes humans sometimes put aside honesty, respect, and togetherness. All have shifted towards the negative because of all sorts of demands and lifestyles.

Nowadays it is difficult to find people whom we have to trust even our closest people, all have different desires and also desires. Trust is easily broken, and trust becomes a hard thing to find. Commitment is sometimes ignored for certain reasons, everything goes according to his wishes and puts aside aspects that have been built so far.

So what does a sense of trust mean and what is trust?

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What do you think the word trust means?

If it refers to the true meaning then the word believe means the act of acknowledging or confidence that something will go right and well, there is no doubt in truth and reject fear. That is the meaning of believing according to the understanding that I have so far, believing is of high value and very valuable.

Trust also has the meaning of confidence for yourself and can also be attached to others we know, all properties contain positive values without expecting betrayal. Trust affects our daily lives, at home, in the environment, and even in a large scope of nation and state.

Presently in your country, do the citizens feel safe to trust one another? If not why? And if yes why?

In my country, Indonesia mutual trust is one of the ancestral heritage that is still maintained and cared for by each individual, mutual trust between communities is still well established. Although it cannot be denied that the good values of the ancestors have begun to decrease following the lifestyle and development of the era, eroded by time and increasingly reduced sense to trust each other.

The elite layer of society makes Trust has been reduced, those in government undermine trust with office and also the expectations of society. They cannot be trusted and only a few can still be trusted, their power and sweet promises are only words and betray people's trust. They set a bad example, so trust becomes an easy thing to break.

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Have you had any experience where your trust in someone was broken? Or such a scenario from a Friend?

Betrayal of trust is common nowadays, it is easy for people to break trust just for the sake of desire and lifestyle can happen all the time. A lot of stories happened, I better not tell about this. Bad personalities that do not need to be told, because this looks and sounds very bad.

Can you suggest ways to mend broken trust

If this bad attitude happens constantly and uncontrollably, then the order of human life is broken by betrayal. Parents and teachers must take on this responsibility, it needs a stronger moral and behavioral cultivation at the generational level. Cultivate a sense of how valuable the value of trust and mutual trust and trust, the spectacle of a political elite that undermines people's trust becomes a disease to be exemplified and imitated. Hopefully, the trust between humans remains and grows stronger, it takes a process to instill the values of good behavior.

This is all I can say to all of you as a form of my participation in Week 3, I invite @lirvic, @radjasalman and @dove11, good luck.

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My dear I don't think if trusting some one now a days will be easy.

The. Worst part of it all is in the government. Especially when they want to be elected in to power where they promise heaven and Earth making some one to believe them. At the end it turns to be a broken trust.

 5 months ago 

Memang benar, saat ini pengkhianatan ada dimana-mana, kita harus benar-benar berhati-hati dalam mempercayai orang lain, karena banyak orang yang rela mengkhianati orang lain demi kesenangannya snediri

 5 months ago 

Benar bang ikwal, semoga kita tetap menjadi orang yang dapat di percaya dan berharap orang juga menjaga kepercayaan kita. sukses untuk anda bang ikwal.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your insightful perspective on broken trust reflects the challenges in today's society. It's disheartening to see how trust diminishes due to changing values and societal demands. Strengthening moral values especially through education is crucial to rebuild trust. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this important theme.

 5 months ago 

Yeah.. it is very sad, changes in values are indeed influenced by the current social situation. Good to hear your good comments, success to you.

 5 months ago 

Hello @fantvwiki,

Your reflection on broken trust resonates deeply with the challenges many face in today's society. It's disheartening to witness the erosion of trust, especially when it stems from those in positions of power. Your call for stronger moral and behavioral cultivation is crucial for rebuilding trust. Thank you for sharing your insightful perspective on this important topic.

 5 months ago 

Good to hear you agree on this, moral and behavioral development is needed to regenerate our trust in others.
Success to you.

 5 months ago 

It's the same everywhere. The old traditions of trust are no longer in place and if they are they have lost their values to a great extent. I hope people will understand the values of the same.

I believe everyone is not bad but a few black sheep have brought the morale the society down. I think this topic is worth participation in so I will try to take part.My best wishes to you for this contest.

 5 months ago 

Thank you.
These are very valuable opinions and also comments, I wish you always success.

 5 months ago 

Saludos amigo
La confianza es un valor, tener seguridad hacia la otra persona , pero cuando está se rompe es difícil recuperarla y si es así siempre va a existir una mínima desconfianza.

 5 months ago 

Hey @fantvwiki Your thoughts on trust in the 4th Week Steemit engagement challenge are really insightful. I agree with your perspective on how societal changes can impact trust. It's awesome to hear that in Indonesia, the tradition of mutual trust is still strong. Keep sharing your valuable insights – great contribution😊👍

 5 months ago 

Glad to hear your opinions and comments, it's worth it.
Thanks for your time.

Nice post friend, you have beautifuly explained this theme. You said right that this is very hard to find someone on which we can trust easily. But conclusion of all things is that we should change ourselves first if we want to change our society,this world. That's all.


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