Obtaining a sustainable environment

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Hello everyone, I' m excited to be participating in this contest. Another great one by @steem4Nigeria, kudos to all the admins for the incredible work in the community.

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The environment we stay in, plays a significant role in influencing our daily activities. It may also influence our way of life, behaviour, state of mind, etc.

A call for sustainable and fossil free environment, is indeed a call in the right direction and all hands should be on deck to achieve this, which will help impact on our lives positively as well as our children unborn.

A sustainable environment is a goal every individual should work after, as no nation will be safe from the disastrous and life threatening effects of a fall blown global warming

How can renewable energy benefit the environment?

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Renewable energy can be referred to, or regarded as the source of energy which can be renewed or replenished without having any deleterious effect on the populace. The environment, to some extent influences our way of life. For example, if a particular environment is dirty and full garbage, we'll be uncomfortable, and that will be definitely affect us either physically, psychologically or mentally. In a nutshell, what ever benefits the environment, like wise benefits its occupants.

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The major benefit of renewable energy on the environment, is the drastic reduction in air pollution which is the main cause of respiratory tract infection. It can also mitigate the effect of global warming due to the climate change, orchestrated by burnt fossil fuel.

How does renewable energy save money?

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Some common source of renewable energy might nit be cheap, but it'll definitely save some money at a long run. For instance, most solar panels and inverters which are instruments for converting sunlight into solar energy, has a lifespan of 99years, once installed, it can serve its purpose for a long period of time thereby saving cost. This is in contrast to the fossil fuel, which has an erratic price and requires a daily purchase. Some other factors can also affect the prices of this fossil fuel. Some of it include; wars( a typical example is what we are seeing in the Russia - Ukraine dispute), government decisions, natural disasters, etc. All this factors can make the prices of fossil fuel to skyrocket.

Will renewable energy create jobs?

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Renewable energy to a large extent can create job opportunities. This is due to the fact that all the industries which specialises on renewable energy, like the solar industries, hydroelectric plants, geothermal industries, etc are great job creating industries for our teeming youths. A standard solar industry has an average staff strength of 5,000 workers. According to the international renewable energy agency, the renewable energy sector has created a whooping 30 million jobs in the last three years. This has indeed reduced unemployment in the power sector globally.

Will renewable energy sources stop global warming?

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Actually, one of the main essence of the idea of renewable energy, was to mitigate the deleterious effect of global warming. Global warming is simply the change in temperature and weather patterns due to the continuous burning of fossil fuel, this can result in the depletion of the ozone layer.

With renewable source of energy, our environment finally can be protected and safe from this enigma of fossil fuels, giving us a breadth of fresh air.


Obtaining a sustainable environment is a goal every one should subscribe after. This can be achieved by mitigating the burning of fossil fuel, and imbibing the concept of renewable energy which includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal etc.
This other sources can as well provide more job opportunities at a lesser cost, if its invested upon. This is in contrast to the fossil fuel.

Though this concept, our darling world, as well as our money, are both preserved at the same time.
Thanks for reading through....

 2 years ago 

Thanks for participating in this contest. Your entry is duly acknowledged.

Thanks @steem4nigeria for the reply
Its my pleasure

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GREAT WRITE UP FROM YOU @ester101, keep it up

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