Steem4Nigeria Accelerator Contest Week4- Transparency in Marriage

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)




Every relationship or marriage that is built on the platform of lies and deceit is bound to fail at any point. It also leads to lack of trust, whereby the partner will never believe you tell the truth and will always assume there are many things you hide from him/her which he may not able to bear in the nearest future if made known.

Briefly explain Transparency to a layman's understanding.

Transparency is an act of being open, clear and sincere. It has to do with lack of pretense and deceit. When a thing is transparent, it has to do with openness and lack of secretive lifestyle. It's a state where one is truthful and open to facts without trying to cover up anything.

What is your opinion on the need for transparency in marriage and other relationships

I believe so much in transparency. I don't see the need to hide anything from your partner. Anything you think wouldn't be worth sharing, shouldn't be worth doing.

Many have had sad experiences in the past before getting married, and I believe they were mistakes and they have learned lessons out of it. Opening up to your partner to know such past lives is more considerable.

Any person that loves you truly and wants to stay with you will look beyond those past and focus on the changed person they have met.

When such things are kept secretive, and suddenly, the other person gets to know it from other sources and such reports are proven to be true and real, it can cause great damage to such relationship and even cause betrayal of trust in such relationship and marriage.

For instance, if a man had a child before marriage and hid such from the wife for a long time, if the wife gets to hear it from another source and proves it to be true, it can break such marriage.

In a case whereby one party finds out the other persons keeping secrets, what do you think should be done?

If its in a mere relationship, I would advice they part ways. A partner who can't open up to let you know things about him/her, whether good or sad experiences is not worth keeping.

He might end up doing things that will affect you in the future and you wouldn't know such things until the results dawn on you. It's always needful to be careful with whom one enters into such relationship with.

Also, if it's a matter of marriage, forgiveness would be the best option. If the person would accept his/her faults and seek for forgiveness, such person should be forgiven.

Have you ever been in a relationship that lacked transparency?
If yes, What did you do? But If no, what would you do?

I've never been in such relationship. My action will be dependent on the potency of the issue. If such person has been secretive and I got to find out such a thing, and the person still denies it or didn't apologize over such issue, I will opt out in such relationship.

If it is marriage, the best option is to forgive. It may not seem easy, but forgiveness is the best option here.

Can truth be hidden forever ?

Truth can never be hidden forever. No matter how hard one tries to hide it, it must surely be unraveled.


There is nothing good about being secretive with ones partner. Truth is a policy that should not be tampared upon. No matter how many years one would try to hide the truth, one day, it must surely come to limelight.

I chose truth no matter what. Whosoever wants to accept you will do that without regret even after hearing your ugly past.

I invite my friends @josepha @ruthjoe @okere-blessing

 2 years ago 

When once lies or secret is the foundation of any relationship, it will never work. Transparency is the key, best luck.

 2 years ago (edited)

What a great writeup you have here. I specially love the sentence:

*There is nothing good about being secretive with ones partner. *

There is actually no need in order to keep a lovely relationship.

Thank you. I really appreciate.


Of a truth a secret free marriage or relationship is like pillar that strengthens such relationships over time. Nice job @estem

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