The Importance of having a Good Name

in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago

Hello, how are you all doing today it's a good thing to be here with you all and to participate in this contest which was organized by @sahmie one of the Steemians who is always active much thanks to you for publishing this contest.

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What do you think makes a name valuable and important?

To me what I think makes a name valuable and important is the uniqueness that an entity someone that is different from others and a name that conveys the essence of what it represents.

And also what makes a name valuable is the positive connotation and good behavior.

Do yo believe that a person reputation is more valuable than material wealth? Why or why not.

Yes, I strongly believe that a person's reputation is more valuable than material wealth because a positive reputation can open doors to opportunities.

Reputation also contributes to one's overall happiness and well-being so to me person's reputation carries more importance and worth than material wealth.

In your opinion what qulities or characteristics contribute to building a good name for oneself?

In my opinion, building a good name requires a combination of various characteristics such as integrity and honesty by upholding strong moral principles.

By taking responsibility for one's actions acknowledging mistakes and maintaining a positive attitude it takes time to build a good name all you have to do is to be consistent and good effort.


How do you think having a good name can positively impact personal relationships and professional opportunities?

Yes I think so having a good name can positively impact personal relationships and professional opportunities because people with good reputations are more likely to be trusted by others

And good names open doors as I said before and people with good names can find it easier to build trust with others and it can lead to personal connection.

Do you believe that a good name is something that can inherited or passed down through generations?

I believe that a good name can be inherited or can be passed down through generations and a good name can be also influenced through family's, traditions and legacies.

And it's also a reflection of individual's actions and values so I'm inviting my friends @emmy01 @morgan76 and @josepha to participate in this contest.


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