Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W3- "Security Matters."

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago (edited)

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Greetings friends.
This is Shaikh Enamul Islam.
From #Bangladesh.

Greetings dear steemain friends. Welcome to my another SEC blog. Hope all of you are well & heathy by Almighty God's grace. Alhamdulillah, I am also well. The l Steem4Nigeria community is hosting this week's contest on the amazing topic of "Security Matters". The contest looks great and I'm really very excited to participate in the contest & answering the questions they have provide. So friends without delay let's jump into today’s topic.

mine.PNGIn your own words what do you understand by the word securitymine.PNG

The term security can be simply said that it means our surroundings are safe, comfort and our important assets are safe. We use this term security in different ways in different contexts. As an example I can say that our country's army, police, traffic police etc. sectors provide security to protect us from untoward incidents. Besides, we deposit our wealth in banks, those banks provide security to our assets.


We can also use the word security in other ways like a parent providing security to their child by loving and nurturing them or a family providing security by caring for other family members or a home providing security to a family by providing shelter. And in the same way a society provides security to all the members of the society. That is, by security we mean that we perceive ourselves to be free from all dangers and feel secure.

mine.PNGIn your country, in what ways has the government been able to keep the citizens safe?mine.PNG

Every country has good security system by which the people of that country feel safe at home or outside the home and workplace. Every country appoints law and order forces to keep their country safe and sends them to various duties and places to fulfill their duties. Our country also has security forces such as police, army, traffic police, air force etc. and they are always deployed in all places of Bangladesh for the performance of their duties and the safety of the people of the country.


In addition, all government or private institutions in Bangladesh have security guards to provide security to those institutions and their customers. The government assigns responsibilities and limitations to law enforcement agencies as per their sector. In every case they perform overall responsibility and also provide mobile court for immediate solution and take proper action immediately if there is any problem. Law and order forces in Bangladesh are engaged 24 hours a day and night for our security and for which we can move about day and night without fear.

mine.PNGPersonally, what do you do for yourself or your family to be safe in your town or country?mine.PNG

First of all I would like to say that the security system of our country is much better than before and now law and order forces are deployed everywhere for the safety of people's lives so I think my family will not have any problem in this regard. Also, our area is densely populated and people in our area care for each other and check regularly so that one can rely on each other and feel safe.


But if we want to make more secure arrangements for the family, then we can install CCTV cameras for security at home or we can use warning alarms and good quality modern locks in the home. We can also keep a dog or two for extra security. We know that dogs can provide us with a lot of security and alert us to danger. Besides, we can memorize the law enforcement hotline number for emergency help which we can use and seek help in our emergency.

mine.PNGHave you experienced or heard of any case of insecurity (robbery or kidnap)? What happened?mine.PNG

We have so many thefts here that it is truly unimaginable. Among these, I would like to share a recent incident which is the theft of the Easybike of a man in our area.

There have been many cases of such easy-bike thefts in our area. It has been observed that people who have bought new easy-bike or those whose easy-bike are kept at home on the roadside are being stolen by a group of people. One such incident happened recently when I came to Dhaka for a job interview. I heard the incident from an easy-bike driver when I arrived.


Several people were involved in this theft. They planned to go to the easy-bike driver's house late in the night around 3 am and secretly broke the lock of the easy-bike to bring the car. But luckily the owner of the easy-bike heard the noise and went out and saw that his easy-bike was being stolen by some people. He interrupted them and one of them struck him with a knife and cut off a part of his hand. Then the thieves left the car and fled. However, by the grace of Allah, he and his easy bike were saved from being stolen.

mine.PNGWhat do you think is the best way to keep a home secure?mine.PNG

I think I have already answered this above. However, we stay home after a busy day at work. And so there are some important steps that can be taken to keep our home safe. We can use good quality lock for the main gate of our house. Also we can use modern system where the house will be opened through our finger print.


Besides, we can also set up CCTV cameras in different parts of the house as well as warning alarms to alert us if someone tries to forcefully enter the house. Also we can fence our house well and have a few pet dogs. Dogs are very effective for security and can alert us in times of danger. By following these basic points, we hope to be able to keep our home safe.

Thanks my dear friends. It’s really an amazing contest & I enjoyed this contest so much. I hope everyone has read and enjoyed my publication. For this contest I would like to invite my friends @solaymann @waterjoe , @willmer1988, @msharif & @goodybest for this nice contest .

Best Regards





¡Holaaa amigo!😊

La seguridad es un servicio publico que el Estado nos debe garantizar y a su vez, nosotros como ciudadanos civiles también debemos aportar nuestro granito de arena para mantenernos resguardados ya que, lamentablemente el peligro siempre va a estar al asecho.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚


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