How Important Is Punctuality To You?

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago (edited)


A medical doctor has two patient with respective appointment at 10.Am. Patient A is punctual and fortunately arrived at 9:50 a.m.. on the other hand patient B is not punctual and arrived at 10:15 a.m..
Patient A was attended to by the doctor on time. But Patient's B tardiness obviously now means that the Doctor is running later for the next appointment with Patient C who arrives as
Patient C now has to wait for patient B to be attended to before they can be seen.

This illustrative introduction gives a clear overview of the concept of punctuality. In my article I'll be participating in the contents published and organised by @sahmie with the theme "How Important Is Punctuality to You" ....

What does Punctuality Means To you?


To me, punctuality means more than just being on time for a particular activity or meeting. It means being prepared, ready and organized to start whatever meeting or activity I'm going to attend.
It is about showing respect to the time of other people and proving that I am a trustworthy and reliable person.

If you're late to a meeting, it can cause a chain reaction of the event that can cause inconvenience for other people who are present before your arrival.

I think punctuality is an essential skill to posses, not only in professional dealings but also in personal relationships as well. It shows that you have value for the time of other people and that you're willing to make maximum effort to be there on time...

List and explain some importance of punctuality in life

  • Trustworthiness and Dependability: The first reason punctuality is important is that it clearly shows that you're a dependable who can be literally counted on to follow down with on your commitment..
    When you show up on time, it portrays the sense of reliability and handling of responsibility. For example if you go to work late, everyday your boss and your fellow coworkers may begin to doubt your commitment to the job and monitor your ability to get things done.
    For a fact, when you're punctual, it builds confidence and trust among the people you associate and work with
  • Respect When you're punctual, it shows that you Respect other people's time. When you arrive on tine to a meeting, it showcase your value for the time of the people you are to meet and that you don't want to waste their previous time by being late. This is very important in the professional system because people are often busy and have many demand on their time.
  • Success: Punctuality increases productivity. When you practice punctuality, you get to do more jobs in a shorter duration. This is simply because you're not waiting for others to arrive or having to reschedule the appointment because someone was late. The time is used efficiently when people are punctual and there is higher productivity.

Punctuality is essential in school, work, and other areas of life

  • Reduces Stress: You know, when you're running late for something it can be overwhelming and stressful. You may be trying to make for the lost time after being late which can lead to unhappiness, stress and rush. You get to experience a more relaxed and enjoyable moment when you're punctual rather than stressing about being late..

What do you understand by the expression "the early bed gets the worm" and do you believe it's true?


In my own understanding I will say that this phrase simply means or portray the meaning that; those who tend to be successful start early. In another way I will also say that those who wake up early and start that their day early have a greater advantage over others. This idea is that they are able to finish your accomplish more before others can even think of waking up... Early starts get the job done...
Nevertheless I think it is of more importance to find a schedule that works for you probably and stick to it, another forcing yourself to wake up early not like it is your natural flow...

do you believe in the phrase better-late-than-never and why?

Well obviously my answer to this question is yes and my reason is that;. Using this illustration , for example you have a project which is due on a certain date and you're currently running down on time, it is better to try to finish it even at the die minute because it shows that you're not perfect but chooses to get the goal achieved. Sometimes people face the challenge of not being able to accomplish a job at a provided time and tend to back out which signifies failure, discouragement and promotes inferiority... So if you're not perfect (which no one is) then try to get it down than trying to back out..


To sum it all up, while it is very important to practice punctuality, it is also essential to look out for your own rhythm and work with your own weakness and strength.
Like in Nigeria, we say "One Man Food Is Another Man's Poison". So it is perfect to find what works best for you and go with that option rather than trying to force yourself into a very stressful schedule. And even if you don't get it done early, just remember that "better late than never"- it is always better to try than backing out...

Thanks for your reading..

I invite @bossj23, @adunni, @blessingogah-1, @sirexcellence01 and @allison001.

 9 months ago 

Punctuality, in no doubt increases success.
I mean, being punctual gives you time to relax, get your facts straight and do what you need to do especially in a professional environment.

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