Steen4nigeria Accelerator contest week30 : worry doesn't solve problems

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago
Hello everyone ,i would love to thank @steem4nigeria for this educative contest which i would love to participate


what does it mean to worry and is it bad to do so

Worrying is the act of experiencing anxiety or unease about a current or potential future situation. It usually involve dwelling on potential problems or uncertainties. When you worry too much it can affect the body in ways that may shock you. When worrying a lot can happen ,it can lead to a feeling of high anxiety and even cause you to be ill physically.

Worrying has a high chance of affecting your daily life that it may even affect your appetite, lifestyle habit, sleep and job performance. People who worry excessively tend to seek relief in harmful lifestyle habit such as cigarette smoking or using alcohol and drugs. Being a worrier can even trigger a lot of health problems like depression, anxiety, stress, inability to focus


does worry solve problems

No, worrying does not solve any problem, it only causes more damage to your body and health. Worrying is tiring, it depletes your emotional resources , leaving you in a state where you become less equipped to handle the problem at hand. Worrying only makes problem seem bigger than they are and consequently, you become too pessimistic and seem to dismiss workable solutions as not good enough

causes of worrying

These are some causes of worrying. They include:
1 Health issues
2 Environmental factor and
3 Financial problem

consequences of worrying


The consequences of worrying have both physical, mental and psychological side effect. The psychological effect of worrying include:
1 Difficulty making decision
2 Stress and
3 Anxiety disorder.
The physical side effect of worrying is the most commonly known effect. They include :
1 headaches
2 difficulty concentrating
3 exhaustion and
4 disrupted sleep.

solutions to avoid worrying

1 Practice breathing techniques: for people who regularly find their selves worrying with some symptoms like pounding heart and rapid breathing, try taking a deep breath. This breathing exercise has been known to calm down most people who worries.
2 Take a relaxation break: taking a break has a way of reducing worry. Make out a time for yourself to do something that make you feel relaxed or something that males you forget about your worries.
3 being in a happy environment: a happy home or environment can stop worry, as most times you find yourself being in a happy mood which depletes worry situation.
4 Exercise regularly: regular exercise keeps the body fit and as such it gives the body the ability to handle stressful or worry some situation which prevents us from worrying too much.


In conclusion, worry is a dangerous state to be in and i would love to advice people to deviate from being in a worried state.

I would love to invite my friends @ceendy20 @radleking and @mesola to Join this contest.

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