My neighborhood watch #28-Reporting events around us

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago


Hello my fellow steemians, happy new year in advance. Many thanks to @xkool24 for this contest once again. I would love to participate in this contest which says: my neighborhood watch #28 reporting events around us


This has been an amazing week for me and i would love to share the events happening around me. I would love to greet everybody Happy new year in advance as we come to an end of the year today. This week has really been a busy week indeed and i would like to start with an event i recently witness.


Due to the new year celebration, many people are travelling, leaving their homes to go to their village to spend time with their families which also increases the rate of accidents on the road. On Thursday, i was on the road looking for a taxi to get to where i was going to, as i was about crossing the road a car which was on a high speed just passed me, and when i looked at the direction it went there was an accident already. It had an accident with another car coming out of a street. Out of fear, i didn't go close by but i saw people going to help. Thank God nobody got injured but the car was severely damaged. I know due to the new year celebration , Nigerians wants to travel but please travel with safety and a good driver that knows how to drive well.

Nigeria as a country has a lot of economical crisis, but the major crisis affecting Nigerians now is the shortage of money in banks. A lot of banks don't have money, pos operator are increasing their prices and people are panicking. This has caused a lot of people stranded and businesses are closing down because of it. This has also affect the circulation of money , as those who deposit money in the banks no longer do so because of the problem of getting it back when you need it.


Another crisis is the construction of roads in my area. though i wouldn't say its a crisis but it has affected many people leading them homeless and hungry. The construction also extended to others places which affected my neighborhood entirely. Although it didn't affect i and my family but i feel remorse for the affected ones. Thanks for reading and happy new year in advance.
I would love to invite @ceendy20 @charbi94 and @meraindia to join this contest


¡Salve, estimado @emmaboy23, narrador de las vicisitudes vecinales! 🌟

Agradezco la generosidad de compartir los acontecimientos en tu entorno a través de tu informe de vigilancia del vecindario. Tus observaciones minuciosas pintan un cuadro vívido de los desafíos y eventos en tu comunidad.

En primer lugar, tu advertencia sobre el aumento de accidentes durante la celebración de Año Nuevo debido a los desplazamientos es de suma importancia. Sirve como un recordatorio para que todos prioricen la seguridad en las carreteras, especialmente durante momentos festivos cuando hay una mayor movilidad. Tu encuentro personal con un casi accidente destaca la importancia de conducir con precaución.

Los desafíos económicos que mencionaste, especialmente la escasez de dinero en los bancos, plantean una preocupación significativa para muchos nigerianos. El impacto en empresas e individuos, con precios en aumento de los operadores de puntos de venta (POS), genera un efecto dominó en la economía local. Es una situación que requiere atención y soluciones para garantizar la estabilidad financiera para todos.

La cuestión de la construcción de carreteras es otro aspecto que afecta a tu vecindario. Aunque no te ha afectado directamente, tu empatía por aquellos afectados refleja un sentido de comunidad y preocupación compartida. El desarrollo de infraestructuras, aunque necesario, puede generar desafíos temporales para los residentes.

Tu informe no solo es informativo sino que también lleva un tono compasivo, reconociendo las dificultades que enfrentan otros en tu comunidad. Te deseo a ti y a tu comunidad un Alegre Año Nuevo, y que los desafíos que has destacado encuentren solución en los próximos días. 🎉🌈

Desist from using istock images. There are other royalty-free images in pixabay,freekpik, etc platforms. However, your neighborhood watch events should primarily come with real-time images and not internet pics.

Thank you.

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