Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 40: My Worst High School Experience.

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago (edited)

picture taken from my phone,edited on pixellab

High school is full of different days. Some are good, some are not so good,and some are worst.
And some days feel worser than some days
Thanks for showing up in my blog to read about my my worst experience in my highschool.

Give us a brief introduction of your school,the name, location and why it stands out in your country

My school is one the best government school in akwaibom. My school name is Etoi secondary school it located at oronroad in uyo, akwaibom state, Nigeria.
The reason it's stand out as the best school is because it as a comfortable environment,trained teachers,a big large football field for spots and game ,our library is well equipped with books for learning and laboratory is functioning with it's equipment.

Share with us your worst highschool experience

My worst experience 🤦😞was when I had to be in a school play. I was not the star, but I had a part to say. I practiced a lot and knew my words by heart.
On the day of the play, I stood on the stage. The lights were very bright, and many people were watching. It was my turn to speak, but suddenly, I forgot everything. My mind was empty. I could hear my heart beating fast. I looked at the people, and they looked at me. Nobody said anything. It was very quiet, and I felt alone.I feel like the ground should just open and swallow me.

Then, someone offstage whispered loud🗣️ my words to me,it was more worst and shameful 🙈.I started talking again, and the play went on. But I felt sad inside. After the play, I did not want to see anyone. I felt like I made a big mistake in front of everybody.
I was so weak and sad when I came back home I couldn't eat ,the incident keeps coming up in my head ,I felt like am not worthy.

Was there any lesson learnt, kindly share with us

But then, I learned something important. ✍️It’s okay to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect,so we should all try our best. And if we fall, we get up and try again. That worst day in high school showed me that it’s okay to be scared and to mess up sometimes. We all do fall ,but whatever it is, we should not give up.✊ What really matters is us to keep trying, and lastly we will learn how to do better next time.
Even though it was my hardest and worst day in school, it was also a day that taught me a lot of things. It helped me grow and be stronger.🦾

Now, I know that everyone has worst days, but they don’t last forever. We can learn from them and become better.

Thanks all for reading I hope you all can learn from mistake too.

I'll like to invite:
@mhizta,@alli001,@kidi40 to participate in this contest.


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