My memories in review, school life missed.
Hello friends, how was your day today? Am sure you are very fine. I want to wish you all a sound happy weekend. In my blog today, I want to review some pleasant moments in memory of my school life. I missed a lot of things after graduation, though in the other hand, I was supper excited for having graduated. Join my article today on "My memories in review, school life missed".
Phone calls: this group you are viewing in this picture, are my course mates and I sincerely miss all of them, going down the memory lane of their individual characters. Hello Ebeke, are you in the studio? Have you completed your own tracing? Please I need you to help me trace 5 sheets of mine remaining. Hello!! Ebeke have you done my assignment? Please kindly submit for me thank you, Ebeke, is it true that exam times table is out? Please snap it and keep when I come you will send it to me. Hello!! Ebeke please am doing my drawings somewhere, please if lecturers come in, kindly drop me a flash call. Hello!! Ebeke please come quickly to the school, they have started submitting GNS214. In fact I can't continue, my phone never rest but then that is the joy of studentship and today am missing them all, all my course mates and their individual amazing characters, interaction and communications, the phone calls.
Photo by Anton Kudryashov from Pexels: source
School annoucement van: great Nigeria students! Great!! This is to inform you, no school fee no exams. Students reply: nooooo!!!. And on exam day, the school authority will send their delegates, the tax force team, the active and sharp students, who may have not completed their school fee payment, write faster and submit before the force arrival while some students at the notice of their arrival, they turn to tortoise by dropping their writing materials with invigilator to go ease themselves. This story I made light here is very heavy dear friends. I truly miss the razzmatazz and extremely happy for been free from them all.
Design stress: this is the over burden and sicky aspects, we go to the drawing board, by 6am and return back to base by 9:30pm to 10pm. My spinal cord, my waist, my head and shoulders in fact all my body members inclusive bangs in stress and pain. We stopped calling Architecture but archi-torture because the torture and stress is enormous. In the night, after eating, drawing continuous to be able to meet up tomorrow. We draw till 4:30 pm in the morning and take a nap of one hour. If we get along the road by 6am and happened to meet a doctor, he or she must advise we visit hospital immediately, looking through our eye, reddish. if we happen to pass police, he will suspect, drug addicts for seeing through our reddish eyes but none, it's sleepless nights and huge torture of stress. These have I missed but extremely happy for overcoming them all regained my freedom, operating as a trained Technologist.
Thank you, My memories in review, school life missed but then a big memory I would want to review again and again hence saving this picture here, in this platform where it is retrievable and safe just as advocated by Mrs. @ngoenyi in her recent post.
Thank you.
I love your picture memories. School stress can be something to remember after graduation is good you are saving your pictures with us. Please dear friend it will be nice to engage in other steemians post vote and comment as your voting CSI is questionable.
Thank you