Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W3- "Security Matters"

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago (edited)
I am glad to be here and participate in the third week of the engagement challenge in Steem4Nigeria having started such a crucial topic "Security Matters"'

I agree, and coming from India I have some serious issues to discuss about with my suggestions which this Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W3- "Security Matters" covers.

But before I do that I would love to ask my friends @steemdoctor1, @ridwant, and @irawandedy to present their views on this burning issue.

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Image edited mspaint

Security is when everything is settled, when nothing can happen to you; security is the denial of life -Germaine Greer

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Security is the action and system of preventing loss. It can reference a person, place, thing, building, residence, country, organization, or anything else that can be harmed.

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The first objective of every government is to protect its citizens from any kind of attack. The happiness of the people is the happiness of the rulers of the state and the welfare of the people is the welfare of the king. Two drivers play a major role in adversely affecting the happiness and well-being of the subjects, the first driver of which could be the neighboring or any other country while the second driver could be the presence of criminals within the state.

A state may face the following four different types of threats, internal, external, internally aided externally, and internally aided externally.

The internal security scenario in India consists of a mix of almost all the above-mentioned threats. At present India is facing various challenges at the level of external and internal security.

Internal security generally means the security of a country within its borders. Internal security is an old term but its meaning has been changing with time. While before independence, protests, rallies, and communal riots were at the center of internal security, after independence, the developing systems of science and technology have made internal security more sensitive and complex.

India's geopolitical position, its neighboring factors, and the country's historical experience with its extensive and vulnerable land, air, and maritime borders make it vulnerable from a security point of view. In this context, the following are the challenges facing internal security-

Many communal riots have occurred in India due to religious fanaticism and ethnic conflict. Which has fragmented the pluralistic culture of India, many groups and organizations have been making parallel efforts to increase social inequality among the people on narrow grounds like religion, language, or region.

We face insecurity by the drug trade. With the presence of 'Golden Triangle' areas in India's neighboring countries, the increasing drug trade has emerged as a challenge to India's internal security.

Money laundering is a major threat to our security system. It is a process by which income earned from illegal sources is made to appear legitimate. The money involved in this is used in activities like drug trade, terrorist funding, etc. Despite the difficulty in measurement, the amount of money laundered each year runs into the billions and has become a significant policy concern for governments.

Then we have terrorism, a group action in which violence is used to create some kind of fear and harm. Any type of terrorism, whether regional, national, or international, creates a situation of insecurity, fear, and crisis in the country. The extent of terrorism is not limited to any one state, country, or region, but today it is emerging as an international problem.

We have several organized groups of people who come together to commit serious crimes for direct or indirect financial or other benefits that fall under the category of organized crime. Traditional organized crimes include the illicit liquor trade, kidnapping, extortion, robbery, blackmailing, etc. Non-traditional or modern organized crimes include money laundering, cybercrime, human trafficking, drug trade, etc.

In countries like India, external states also have a direct contribution to the problem of illegal immigration and refugees, which are making the internal security of the country challenging in many ways.

Many extremist organizations in India are inspiring separatist sentiments, and these extremist organizations are being operated in other countries.

Role of non-state actors: In the current changed global environment, many new actors have emerged and their role has increased, which are known as non-state actors. These non-state actors do not have legislative power or sovereignty like states, but they play an important role in determining and influencing the external and domestic policies of any state.

The definition of non-state actors includes non-governmental organizations, multinational companies, terrorist organizations, religious and ethnic organizations, transnational migrant communities, international media, etc.

The shortcomings of internal security management are notable but we have yet to learn to tackle this problem, while we know that the problem is even more complex in India. Our strategy should be more proactive than reactive. There is a need to pay immediate attention to the modernization of our police forces in the states. We need to work on achieving interstate and international cooperation to deal with organized crime.

Along with creating a special cell in every department for cyber security, the IT Act should also be amended, and strict provisions for punishment should be made. Certainly, the government has made partial efforts in this direction.

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The security of our home is of the utmost importance, so to follow home security tips, we should do everything to keep our home and family safe.

Our belongings are on target for burglary, and it can also put our loved ones in danger. Keeping this in mind, we should learn different ways to keep our homes safe.

We should be friends with our neighbors because being friends with them gives us personal security. This is especially true if we go on vacation. We should request that our neighbors pick up our mail and remove flyers taped to the front door. The idea is to make it appear as if someone is inside.

If they are our friends and we trust them, we can give them a key to our house and ask them to turn on the lights from time to time.

We may also stop newspaper and mail delivery for the duration of our vacation. This will prevent mail from piling up.

To avoid stress, many people pack their cars the night before leaving on vacation. One of the best home safety tips is to pack our car the morning of our trip. Packing our car the night before invites thieves to break into our car and steal valuables. It can also tell them how long we plan to be gone based on the amount of luggage we pack.

We should leave some of our exterior lights on. Also, avoid posting pictures on social media until we come back from our holidays.

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I live near Delhi, so according to the Delhi Police, this year the crime cases in Delhi have increased compared to last year, and the highest increase in cases of theft in houses has been recorded as compared to last year. The incidents of heinous crimes like murder, robbery, and kidnapping for ransom have increased compared to the last year. Cases of non-heinous crimes like snatching, burglary, and vehicle theft also increased.

Chain snatching has become common in India. We don't feel safe walking on the roads. Our phone may get snatched without you even knowing it. Snatching is often considered a common crime. As far as vehicle theft cases are concerned, most such cases occur in Delhi, including heavy vehicles.

Recently, a case of robbery worth millions by holding a businessman's family hostage in my nearby area happened, and the police are searching for the accused from the CCTV footage. Special staff, including local police, have been deployed to crack the case.

It is believed that a robbery worth more than INR 40 million (approximately 2.5 million Steem) was committed by taking a businessman and his family hostage. This incident was carried out by five miscreants. These armed criminals had entered the house by cutting the grill of the office. All the family members were locked in a room. After this, the robbery was carried out leisurely.

The accused also uprooted the DVR of the CCTV camera installed in the house and took it with them. The miscreants had fled after filling two black bags with goods. Police have received footage from some CCTV cameras. And this is not an isolated incident of such a crime in this area.

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Don't leave signs that indicate no one is home. These are the signs that thieves look for to determine whether their victims are home or not. One of the best and often overlooked home security tips is to turn down the volume on your landline. If your landline is across your street, it may ring even when you're away. Make sure that you and anyone passing by cannot hear the ringer or voicemail.

Never leave notes for the mailman, hawker, or delivery man. Leaving a hint and letting them know you're away is a sure way to make yourself a target. Once again, ask your neighbors to keep an eye on your parcels and other mail.

I suggest going for strong unbreakable locks as these can prevent them from breaking. Install a home security system. To keep your home as safe as possible, install a home security system. One of our most recommended home security tips is to set alarms. Although these can alert you and the police in your area, they cannot stop burglars completely.

We should integrate these systems with other systems like cameras, motion detection lights, and smart home automation and install them in the right place. We should also install alarms on the front doors. Wireless window alarms are also effective tools to keep the home safe.

Remember to lock all windows on the first floor. Thieves come in through the ground-floor windows. They either break the window or the lock or come through an open window. These thieves could be people you have met before. For example, it could be one of your servants, a gardener, or other employees. They can leave the bathroom door open, so we should check that all windows and doors are closed before going to bed.

It can save us all the money and heartache by installing a safe that can keep all our small valuables and papers. Modern safes come with options like biometric opening systems for added security. However, bank locker is one of the best options.



Thank you for reading my views on this universal problem


Wow!!! this is nice


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 10 months ago 

Thanks @ripon0630 your support is much appreciated 👍


Cómo siempre un excelente artículo señor.
Había leído en otra publicación que en la India la situación con respecto a la inseguridad era diferente, decía que todo era perfecto y que las fuerzas de seguridad del estado garantizaban la seguridad de sus ciudadanos y que nada malo pasaba.
Y pensé que maravilloso es eso!

Ahora leo su publicación y entiendo que como en todos los países del mundo la inseguridad se hace presente muy a pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno por acabar con ella.

La seguridad es tan necesaria, que debemos cuidar de nosotros mismos, aplicando muchas medidas preventivas que nos mantengan alejados del peligro y como usted dice no alertar a los delincuentes y que nos convirtamos en víctimas de ellos.

Tenga bendiciones señor.

 10 months ago 

Thank you very much, in fact, no country in the world is totally secure so is India. We enjoy a lot of support from the government but with a population of over 1.41 billion crime is bound to happen. Thanks for your support.

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