"Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 17: No Money, No Love."

in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago
Hi, My Dear Steemians, I am here to participate in Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 17:

No Money, No Love

I am taking the liberty to invite @senehasa, @solperez and @natz04


Is there any relationship between the two concepts (Love & Money) in a relationship

The truth is, there is a very strong relationship between love and money. Like in beauty and wealth love and money are the matters for the poor, and beauty and wealth are the matters of the rich. We must agree that since the beginning, humans have been and will remain divided into these two classes, poor and rich, money, wealth/love, and beauty. No one can deny this truth. These are also connected to each other in the same manner as described above. So if I analyze it on this basis, then the situation can become clear.

Love requires passion and emotion. This fact is probably different among the rich and wealthy. Real love actually shows and is expressed through our emotions. I feel the love of someone whose emotions are dead or under the control of money the same way. The poor, who have no wealth or little money have no importance in love matters.

It's not that there is a dearth of love or there is no involvement in their love. We have been watching and reading this love through numerous stories, poems, and innumerable other literary works composed on them.

I am not saying money is not important but money has nothing to do with real love. See if there is less food in the kitchen, the mother will feed the children first and then think about herself remaining hungry. As the evening approaches, she waits anxiously for her husband and children. She will feed them first before eating herself. This is true love!

Can true love exist or thrive for a long time without money?

In today's time, everyone wants a beautiful partner and one needs to be fashionable to look beautiful. And fashion needs a lot of money. Okay, I agree who doesn't love beautiful things?

Beautiful women marry rich people and their love revolves around them. The more prosperous a person is the more desirable he becomes. But I believe love and money are opposites of each other. It's not that where there is no money there is no love, or vice versa but love for money alone is not done thing.

Undoubtedly, money gives us more peace. Because today one can't live without money. If you have money then even strangers become your friends, your beloved. And if there is no money then they leave you immediately. People sell their religion and faith for the sake of money. A prostitute sells her body for money. The hunger of the stomach is satisfied by money, not by love. Because when there is money, only then you get food. So some people believe they need money, not love, to fulfill their physical needs.

In most cases, love supports only as long as you have money in your pocket. In today's scenario when the money runs out, some of the so-called true love also stumbles and goes away. In fact, in such cases, money is the dominating factor.

Today's love wants to travel by car and if you don't even have money to buy a bicycle, then there is no love that remains.

In today's materialistic era, everyone is attracted to those who have money. We don't give importance to looks, morals, or love but your wallet is important, your property is what matters. That is why no girl or boy would ever want to marry a smart but unemployed person. Anything can happen as an exception, but the reality is that if we have money then the world is ours otherwise, no one cares for us.

Do you subscribe to this school of thought? Back up your Yes/No answer with valid points

I belong to the old school of thought where love was more important so it's a yes for me.

I believe that there is no relation between love and money, both are opposite to each other, if money comes in between love then love is over. Love is priceless, material things can be bought with money, people can be bought, and everything can be bought with money which we can enjoy.

If love is done after seeing money then it is selfishness, not love. Love is the best feeling in the world, they are the happiest people in the world. Those who have such a thing as love. Money should never be compared with love. No matter what anyone says, we can buy anything with money. If there is money, everyone can take this rest. But if there is no love in our life, in our family then everything is in vain.

Share an experience for or against the statement

I know about a classmate who was in second-year management with me, he used to do a part-time job along with his studies and managed his expenses by using the money sent by his parents. He was a brilliant student and by the time he entered his second year, his lifestyle had changed a bit.

In the second year, he became friends with Sarina during a college camp program. Then slowly he started making an impression as if he came from a rich family and had no shortage of money.

He knew that Sarina also worked in a service center to meet her expenses. He mentioned it to Sarina by saying, "You manage your expenses yourself"

Sarina said Yes, I love my family and I don't want to become a burden on them or hurt them, they have a lot of hope from me.

My friend Ajay liked Sarina's words and when Sarina asked Ajay what he does for his expenses,

Ajay said, "I also want to complete my studies, so a lot of money comes from my parents."

They started liking each other and their affair continued for about 5 months. Then one day Sarina found out that Ajay also belonged to an ordinary family. So when Ajay proposed to Sarina, she clearly said that their friendship was fine, but after joining the job, she would marry a boy from a rich family with a good job.

Ajay was disappointed because their love story had not been completed. Money played a role between them.

What do you say guys? Love or Money!

 11 months ago 

The story of Ajay and Sarina shows the interplay between love and money in relationships. While love is a profound emotion,it's undeniable that financial stability can impact the course of a relationship. Ideally, love should transcend monetary considerations,but in reality, financial compatibility often plays a role.

 11 months ago 

So very true and it has become even truer in recent times when money plays its role as the prime factor. The money has left everything behind including the character, morals and physical appearance.

Yo también doy romántica. Para mí el amor vale más que cualquier cosa. Solo el amor saca lo mejor y lo peor de nosotros. Gracias por la invitación. Suerte.

 11 months ago 

Thank you so much. 👍🎉


Hola 🙂
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 11 months ago 

Thanks for the support 👍

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